Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lessons from the Dentist's Chair

This week I had the lovely privilege of going to the dentist to get a cavity filled. A few months back after my comp had to go in for her own dental work I was inspired to take better care of my teeth it was then thst I noticed I had two little pin holes in one of my molars... great... I've been cavity free for a few years now and here I am in the middle of Tennessee with one... what am I supposed to do? To be honest I ignored it for a while and hopes that maybe it would go away or at least not be a problem for 11 more months... well I found myself back at the Dentist's office with my comp and decided to ask them if I should get it fixed... The hygienist said "Yep definitely come back, unless you want a root canal." Um so I don't think anyone in the history of ever has wanted one of those so I decided to get myself together and schedule an appt. I waited a few weeks until our new mission doc came into town and then I got my insurance figured out and got an appointment scheduled at an office near where we are living in Oak Ridge. Ok so here I am the morning before we are getting ready to go and I hear myself say to Sister Allen. "Alright let me go floss and brush my teeth and hope I haven't procrastinated the day of my repentance..." and then I went and brushed my teeth and flossed better than I had in weeks. As I was walking out the door the realization of what I just did hit me like a truck... why did I take extra time to brush and floss and scrub and shine?

Because I knew a dentist was about to examine my teeth...

But you see, the damage was already done, the cavity was already there, no amount of last minute brushing could change that. So why did I do that? And I know I'm not the only one... how many of y'all have done that exact thing??? Thought to yourself "Oup I've got a dentist appt today better floss for the first time in weeks and pull out that mouthwash I haven't used in months..." Whyyyyy do we do that?!?!?!! Why when it comes time to be accountable we rush and try to brush up last minute??? And I'm not just talking about teeth. We shove everything in a drawer or closet when we have guests, we paste on a smile and are more obedient when there are church leaders around, we are on better behaviors when we know people are watching. It's those last minute fixes that are just cover ups. The cavities are still there, the mess, the disobedient attitude, and sins are still there, the damage has already been done.

And then we try to cover it up, but how different would it have been if we would have been making those little efforts to stay clean the entire time? The cavity wouldn't have developed, the mess wouldn't have been made, the sin wouldn't have been committed.

Before I draw this all to a conclusion I want to also confess that at least for me after my visit to the dentist is over I don't know about y'all but I LOVE the feeling of slick clean teeth and I commit to myself pretty much every time I go to the dentist that I'm going to have that feeling for the next 6 months until I go back again. And I do pretty dang good for a couple of weeks at least... my flossing is consistent, my brushing lasts for at least two minutes, I rinse, and use whitening products, and it feels good. Then one late night out with friends, or one rushed morning, or one justification of "nah I'll be fine" and all of the sudden I'm out of habit and I lose the pattern and consistency of what I've been striving for.

From what I've heard from many "about to return home" missionaries and returned missionaries I've noticed a common fear that they are scared to go home and into old habits and distractions. They want that "slick, clean" feeling they have developed in their lives and they don't want it to go away. And I am beginning to feel the same way. I recognize that I won't ever live the missionary schedule, the way I am, by myself, ever again. I know that. But that doesn't mean I should stop studying, stop relying on prayer and having that be my go to. It doesn't mean I should stop going to all three of my church meetings and other meetings on top of that. It doesn't mean I should stop saying hi to people I would normally just walk past in Wal-Mart, it doesn't mean I should be unmotivated to not do my visiting teaching after seeing the effects of doing it and not doing it has on the ward as a whole. I don't need to stop having a couple of pass along cards in my bag to leave around randomly, and it doesn't mean that I need to stop sharing my beliefs and living the gospel. It doesn't mean I  shpuld stop doing the basics. And see that's exactly the answer to the concern about giving up and breaking those patterns that have helped us become "slick and clean" the answer is to stay true and cling to the basics. Praying, reading the scriptures, and going to church and attending the temple is the same as flossing, brushing, rinsing, and whitening... They are those small habits but they are what make all of the difference. And when that one late night with friends comes, or the hectic morning or one justification of "nah I'll be fine without it" without prayer, without reading my scriptures, without church, without the temple. When those times come we need to stop it right after, repent and change right then and keep those basics habits, keep them priorities. Because if we do we won't cavities to worry about, or sins to cover up. Dang... all this tooth talk... maybe I should be a dentist...?

But I want to share an experience I've had with each of those basics this week: prayer, scripture study, church, and the temple.

PRAYER: I just want to testify that there is nothing better than watching an investigator grow and change and one of my personal favorite changes is when they pray. I remember in Mexico our "investigator" we taught in the CCM who was actually our teacher, I remember her praying at the end of our lesson and I remember tears streaming down my face. I'll never forget that experience. And I'll never forget the experiences I've had out here with investigators and their prayers. I guess the best way to describe it is you know when a little kid prays and it is so sweet and innocent and a little bit stuttered but at the same time just kind of completely perfect? That's what it's like. Listening to someone who for over 20 years didn't know who God was pray to Him thanking Him for the beautiful weather, for blessings, for us missioanries, for the opportunity to be here right now, for the things he is learning. Aw man... that's what the line
"More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children." (PMG V)
is all about... happiness you never knew existed. Joy you never knew was available, change you never thought possible. And being not only a firsthand witness of it but also a guide in their journey. It's incredible.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: well I could write for literally days on this subject ask any of my companions and I'm sure they would admit to sometimes regretting the question "Sister Hall what did you learn in personal study today?" Because I get so pumped and just talk and talk and talk. The scriptures are just so amazing and I can honestly say I've fallen in love with them I remember hearing this quote in seminary and thinking to myself... hmm... I don't know about that, that is a really odd way to put it...

“I am grateful for emphasis on reading the scriptures. I hope that for you this will become something far more enjoyable than a duty; that, rather, it will become a love affair with the word of God. I promise you that as you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits will be lifted. At first it may seem tedious, but that will change into a wondrous experience with thoughts and words of things divine” Gordon B. Hinkley

But here I am age 19 in Tennessee and that is the way I feel about my scriptures. I love them, if there was a fire that burned them or if I were to lose them I would be devastated. I love them because they have enlightened my mind and lifted my spirit. There have been times when it has been tedious and when I have read out of a duty to do so... But now... oh my goodness they are delicious to me. I love them.

And I want to share one thing I've learned from them this past week. I just restarted the Book of Mormon... I am using a softback copy that we usually hand out. I'm reading it clear slate, blank pages, and I'm trying to find Christ in its pages. Already He is everywhere, I box around all the references and titles for Him. He's on every page... on some pages in nearly every verse, sometimes multiple times. And it's incredible. But a chapter that really stuck out to me from my studies this week was 1 Nephi 17 this is where Nephi is commanded to build a ship. So first of all he is prompted to go to the mountains and pray and he does so. And that is where the Lord commands him to build a ship and that he would show him how to build it. And you know what Nephi says in response? "Whither shall I go that I may find ore to molten, that I might make tools to construct a ship after the manner which thou hast shown unto me?" He does NOT say... "How am I supposed to do that?!" Or "Why Lord? Why me? I'm insufficient... There is no way" "Why do we need to leave this land Bountiful, it's nice here, are you sure this isn't the promised land?" No he says (in effect) "Where do I go to get started? Where can I go to do my part and make tools that I'll need to do your work? "Where? Tell me where to go and I'll do it Lord." And then he receives his answer and he gets right to work making tools and he writes that he builds a fire which is unique because up until that time he says that they weren't able to build fires. Who knows why? Maybe it's so they could remain hidden and protected from hijackers and ancient highwaymen... who knows... all we know is that the Lord knew and also that Nephi writes that He provided a way for them to eat meat without cooking it and He was "their light in the wilderness"  preparing the way for them and guiding them along. As long as they kept the commandments He would continue to do so. And then Nephi says... And I just love this

Wherefore, I, Nephi, did strive to keep the commandments of the Lord, and I did exhort my brethren to faithfulness and diligence.

Please notice that no where it says "I Nephi did from that time forward perfectly keep all of the commandments of the Lord" No he said "I Nephi did STRIVE to keep the commandments" the word strive means to:  attempt by employing effort and/or to exert much effort. That doesn't mean perfectly. It means giving your best effort, and trying... but really trying.

By stark contrast his brothers after seeing him molten ore and make tools and begin to build a boat they asked how? And Why? And they doubt in Nephi's abilities ultimately doubting in the Lord. They don't keep the commandments in fact they don't even try, unless someone compels them to usually through huge life shaking ways. So they begin to murmur once again and Nephi ah man I love him he finally gets to the point where he has had enough of their ignorance and he begins to throw down... to testify with such power calling them to repentance. From verses 23-50 he calls them out... And then he says in verse 50

And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship?

He testifies that the same merciful God and redeeming Lord that has rescued, preserved and guided people throughout all time is the same Lord that is guiding their family. The same one that parted the sea and saved the children of Israel and provided for them. He is the same and will provide for them. He essentially asks them what one seminary teacher once asked me... "How puny is your God?" And that I have found is where Nephi's testimony is grounded. He knows the nature of God, he knows Christ has been, is and will always be merciful. And that He will always provide a way. I love that. I so admire him. And I just love the things that I'm learning on a daily basis and the things I apply on a daily basis.
CHURCH: I am so, extremely grateful for the opportunity to take the sacrament and I'm also so grateful for the organization of the church. Sister Allen and I attended the best ward council meeting I've been in, during my entire mission. We had emphasized the need for an outreach program to the dozens of less active families we have on our roster. On our group email to the ward council we expressed our frustration that we are overwhelmed by the amount there are and also by the fact that we can find them but we cannot be their fellowshippers   because we are temporary. And ward members are not. And active members are the ones that understand why we go to church, but we are also the ones that are responsible for helping other people learn and understand that as well. Anyway long story short we had a ward council focused on the need for an increase in home and visiting teaching. And a member of our bishopric (this guy is my hero his two year old son was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and is truly a miracle in the making and their family are handling it with the most amazing perspective I have ever before witnessed, wow I am just blown away by them) so anyway this guy is a champ. But he shared how in his old stake in Illinois he worked closely with a stake President who had a theme of home and visiting teaching. And he broke it down into applications of the Saviors ministry. Home and visiting teaching is our ministry it is our offering to God and it shows our love to Him and Christ by visiting Their people. And he used Matthew 25:40 "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren he have done it unto me." This brother emphasized that phrase "the least of these my brethren" that it means "The least deserving, the least accepting, the least grateful, the least receptive" when we reach out to the leasts then that is reaching out to Christ. I LOOOOVE THAT!!!! He also taught that we can only minister as much as they will accept but we can do that consistently. And he shared an experience that he home taught a family that never opened the door even though lights were on and their big scary dogs were barking like crazy, but he kept going, and then eventually they came to the door and they chatted on the front porch, and then moved inside over the threshold, and into the living room, and the big scary dogs began to like him. And what did he see when he went into the living room? A wall full of pictures of this man with sets of missionaries, he loved missionaries they were his fellowshippers but he was missing ward member friendship. But through the efforts of his hometeacher he found it. That hometeacher eventually moved away from Illinois and into our ward and was relating this experience but before he left he made sure that that guy had a new solid home teacher. He has since heard that that man reactivated, his non member wife was baptized and they were sealed in the temple. THAT my friends is what happens when we all work together and do missionary work, when we all work together and do Christ's work. When we reach out to those who are lost and those who stray. Doesn't that make you want to go do your home teaching lesson and visiting teaching lesson maybe during the first week of September rather than the last??? Just sayin....

TEMPLE: ok and finally I just want to say how grateful I am for temples and the blessings that have  come into my life and the life of my family. Standing talking to an investigator on date to be baptized in two weeks and discussing the temple with him and planning that we were going to go with him brought that unknown joy I never knew existed again. I was getting giddy pulling up pictures and telling him all about it. And honestly so was he. I'm so grateful for the peace and guidance and saving grace of the temple. And to have grown up with them so near. They are out of this world, truly. And they

I love y'all and I know the basics keep us clean and pure and on the right track. I know we can follow Christ and be perfected in Him. He is preparing the way and if we STRIVE to keep His commandments He will lead us along.

Have yourself a blessed week and brush dem teeth!!!
Hermana Hall


              9 down....                    

 9 to go!!!

Becoming quite the chefs!

Tennessee is so beautiful!!!

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Debt Has Been Paid

You may recall a few weeks into our time here in Oak Ridge we had a late night Beatles concert next door in our duplex... oh good times! Especially now that time has passed we can look back and laugh more now than before when we were dragging our mattresses into the other room at 2:00 a.m.!!!

 I must admit that we have been holding that against our dear sweet neighbor for the weeks since... He doesn't know it of course... we haven't outright asked him what the heck he was doing that night but we have placed a few innocent questions randomly in conversations. "So do you like The Beatles???" "What is your favorite song of theirs?" "Is it 'Imagine' perhaps???" He hasn't fessed up and so we have this behind the scenes "grudge" about it. But this week he made up for it. Because smarty pants me locked us out of the house. Keys, phone, tablets, wallet, everything locked inside of the house. Before y'all judge me let me just defend myself and say that it is muscle memory that I always turn the bottom lock first thing after we get in the house, it's a habit, one I grew up with actually. So we were coming in for the night after having been on exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders serving in Chilhowee area (side note last time I was there I met a guy who is obsessed with fishing and hunting and all things outdoors and I took him a Browning hat and he was over the moon excited, I love me some backwoods redneck buddies:) Anyway we were coming back from that so we had our bedding and bags to bring in and I said to Sister Allen "We'll have to make two trips..." So we did! I remember we went in, threw the keys on the table, dropped our bags on the floor and then I shut the door behind us as we went to go grab another load. When we got back I turned the knob and it didn't budge... oh. no. We tried breaking in using the card I use to log into the speed checker box in the car... it got absolutely destroyed in the doorjam. We tried to remove a screen and see if the window would open... no luck. Our only other option was our next door neighbor. We knocked on the door and he gave us this little wimpy bookmark that was laminated... ripped that to shreds! Then he gave us a butter knife, no luck with that either. Finally he came out with a flashlight and a butter knife and tried his hand at it... no dice... He walked back to his apartment deposited the knife and came back with a crowbar... nope... He walked back yet again and came back with the butter knife AND crowbar and with about 1,000 prayers and a swift hip bump to the door it flew open and we were saved!!! Eaten alive by mosquitoes and dripping with late night humidity but home safe and sound at last!!! Thank goodness for good neighbors. He looked at us and said "Ok... Now girls... don't lock yourselves out anymore..." And needless to say his debt from the Beatles episode has been paid! Now we owe him one... His favorite candy is "Boston Baked Beans" they are candy coated peanuts and I personally think they're gross but they're his fav so the next day we gave him a box of those with a note that said "Thanks for always BEAN there for us!" He was touched... We do love our crazy-doomsday-weed smoking-ex marine-book-of-mormon-lovin-bestie!!!! He's a good one!!! But something I want to focus on in this letter is that line "the debt has been paid"

I read this story shared by President Packer that ties in perfectly, it is a little long but I absolutely love it, I promise it is worth reading. The point he makes is that  we are all indebted by sin but can be saved from it through The Mediator, our older brother Jesus Christ.

“Let me tell you a story—a parable.

“There once was a man who wanted something very much. It seemed more important than anything else in his life. In order for him to have his desire, he incurred a great debt.

“He had been warned about going into that much debt, and particularly about his creditor. But it seemed so important for him to do what he wanted to do and to have what he wanted right now. He was sure he could pay for it later.

“So he signed a contract. He would pay it off some time along the way. He didn’t worry too much about it, for the due date seemed such a long time away. He had what he wanted now, and that was what seemed important.

“The creditor was always somewhere in the back of his mind, and he made token payments now and again, thinking somehow that the day of reckoning really would never come.

“But as it always does, the day came, and the contract fell due. The debt had not been fully paid. His creditor appeared and demanded payment in full.

“Only then did he realize that his creditor not only had the power to repossess all that he owned, but the power to cast him into prison as well.

“‘I cannot pay you, for I have not the power to do so,’ he confessed.

“‘Then,’ said the creditor, ‘we will exercise the contract, take your possessions, and you shall go to prison. You agreed to that. It was your choice. You signed the contract, and now it must be enforced.’

“‘Can you not extend the time or forgive the debt?’ the debtor begged. ‘Arrange some way for me to keep what I have and not go to prison. Surely you believe in mercy? Will you not show mercy?’

“The creditor replied, ‘Mercy is always so one-sided. It would serve only you. If I show mercy to you, it will leave me unpaid. It is justice I demand. Do you believe in justice?’

“‘I believed in justice when I signed the contract,’ the debtor said. ‘It was on my side then, for I thought it would protect me. I did not need mercy then, nor think I should need it ever. Justice, I thought, would serve both of us equally as well.’

“‘It is justice that demands that you pay the contract or suffer the penalty,’ the creditor replied. ‘That is the law. You have agreed to it and that is the way it must be. Mercy cannot rob justice.’

“There they were: One meting out justice, the other pleading for mercy. Neither could prevail except at the expense of the other.

“‘If you do not forgive the debt there will be no mercy,’ the debtor pleaded.

“‘If I do, there will be no justice,’ was the reply.

“Both laws, it seemed, could not be served. They are two eternal ideals that appear to contradict one another. Is there no way for justice to be fully served, and mercy also?

“There is a way! The law of justice can be fully satisfied and mercy can be fully extended—but it takes someone else. And so it happened this time.

“The debtor had a friend. He came to help. He knew the debtor well. He knew him to be shortsighted. He thought him foolish to have gotten himself into such a predicament. Nevertheless, he wanted to help because he loved him. He stepped between them, faced the creditor, and made this offer.

“‘I will pay the debt if you will free the debtor from his contract so that he may keep his possessions and not go to prison.’

“As the creditor was pondering the offer, the mediator added, ‘You demanded justice. Though he cannot pay you, I will do so. You will have been justly dealt with and can ask no more. It would not be just.’

“And so the creditor agreed.

“The mediator turned then to the debtor. ‘If I pay your debt, will you accept me as your creditor?’

“‘Oh yes, yes,’ cried the debtor. ‘You save me from prison and show mercy to me.’

“‘Then,’ said the benefactor, ‘you will pay the debt to me and I will set the terms. It will not be easy, but it will be possible. I will provide a way. You need not go to prison.’

“And so it was that the creditor was paid in full. He had been justly dealt with. No contract had been broken.

“The debtor, in turn, had been extended mercy. Both laws stood fulfilled. Because there was a mediator, justice had claimed its full share, and mercy was fully satisfied” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1977, 79–80; or Ensign, May 1977, 54–55).

Don't y'all love that?!?!?! Because of the mediator, that "friend who knew him well, knew him to be shortsighted, and loved him" because of Him, the debt was paid. We all have that friend... that friend is Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for Him. So grateful that He sees my shortsightedness and wants to help. He pays my debt. He paid my debt. I remember hearing once in seminary "Christ paid the debt He didn't owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay..." it struck me then and it strikes me now. He loves us that much. To go through all that He did. All that we do. So that we wouldn't have to go through it alone... I'm indebted to Him. It reminds me of a scripture in Mosiah 2 verse 24 "...Ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?" All that we are is made possible through Christ, all that we can become is possible through Christ. We had a lesson this past week and I said in referencing to the Plan of Salvation that "This plan is made possible only through Christ and only because of His Atonement." ...I know I've said that before, I know I've learned it before, I know I've read it before, but for some reason saying it that time was different. I meant it more than ever before. I know that it is true. He makes all things possible. Because of Him this work goes forward, the plan is possible, the debt is paid. Only through Him. We really are so indebted to Him.

And so I want to wrap up by sharing an experience that I am indebted to Him for:

The Elders in the other ward had a baptism this week so we decided to invite our two progressing investigators to it. One has a date to be baptized and the other... spoiler alert he is on date now as a result of what happened. So let me share real fast... the one on date had been struggling receiving his answer about whether or not this is all true. We had a lesson with him with a member who told him straight up: the more specific your prayer the more specific your answer. I sware we've told him this already but this time it clicked so thank goodness for ward members!!! He encouraged him to go to his car turn down the music and pray out loud and express to Heavenly Father that he had hope in the gospel and the plan of salvation but wanted to know if it is true and ask: is it true? Is the gospel true? Is the plan of salvation true? So this experience happened the night before the baptism... at the baptism the next morning he told us the result of what happened. He said "I almost called you guys but didn't... last night on my drive home I prayed out loud... and I got a warm feeling inside... and it was amazing..." Oh. My. Goodness. There have been times during my time here when I've honestly doubted I would ever in the course of my mission hear words similar to those. But Heavenly Father is so good and Christ is so merciful that they grant me faith promoting experiences and ultimately prove me wrong. Ok so there is miracle #1 at the baptism... one of our investigators has received a spiritual witness that what we teach and what he has learned is true. I'm so happy and so grateful! Miracle #2 happened at the very end when we were cleaning up. It was just missionaries and the investigators left... there were two sets of elders and Sister Allen and I talking to these two men and one of them, the one not on date... whoa wait back up... This is the one that has done a complete 180 in a week... in 7 days we went from walking out of a lesson with him to picking up the phone to hear that he knows he needs to read the Book of Mormon and agreed to read part of it over the phone with us. At the baptism he said that he was over 60 pages into it. He is changing, he is repenting, and we get to be a part of it!!! But anyway as awe-inspiring as that was at the end of the meeting as we are all grouped up suddenly he blurts out "So what are the qualifications for baptism? How do I do it?" As Sister Allen and my mouths gaped open one of the elders across from us took it in stride and shared that he needed to go through the missionary lessons, come to church at least twice, and keep the commandments. He told him that basically he needed to just keep listening to us and we would help get him there if that is what he wants... Y'all... if you could have met this man when we first did... And then see what he is becoming... it is absolutely incredible. The gospel makes "bad men good and good men better" it does, it really really does! It's the most breathtaking thing to be a part of. Sometimes it's breathtaking because you are holding your breath hoping, wishing, and praying, or cringing from discomfort... but other times it is breathtaking because you see and understand Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ a little better and come to see more clearly their work and their glory "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." The moment that their purpose becomes our purpose and the moment we believe that it can happen... that is truly breathtaking. And I am indebted in my experience.

I'm so grateful to be here, it's been a dark and bumpy road at times but it's also been the most joyful and bright sunshiney experiences I've ever been a part of. 9 months of the most rewarding mess I never knew existed. 9 months of experiences I'll never forget nor regret. So here's to another 9. I know they will continue to be soul-searching, gut-wrenching, heart-warming, and awe-inspiring and I'm excited for what they hold. For the people I have yet to meet, the self I have yet to develop, and the Savior I have yet to find in greater abundance.

9 months down 9 to go. I'm ready. How bout' you?

Hope y'all stay blessed this week. Enjoy the eclipse and as our Stake President so profoundly pointed out: look at your own life and the ways that you "block out the Son" and remove them. More light is available to us than we can imagine and the debt for its cost has been paid. You are priceless in the eyes of the Lord, don't let anyone tell you different, including yourself.

Have a peachy sunny day y'all!!!


Hermana Hall

McKenzie hits her 9 month or Half way
mark tomorrow... please send her a note
if you can!

"Cooned" again.... EW!

So Happy to see a past Companera

Breakfast of Champions?

Eclipse Day August 22, 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

My Brothers

 So first off I want to give a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT TO MY LITTLE MAN BRIDGER WHO IS TURNING 16 THIS WEEK!!! I was so blessed at four years old to have a brother enter my life. Even though he wasn't a girl and my parents refused to name him Caden like I requested, I am forever grateful that I can call him my brother. He has taught me so much, he's a forever best friend, and can make me laugh unlike anyone else. Picking him up from a friend's house and taking the "long way home" so we can talk and listen to music... traveling, boating, hunting, golfing, swimming, tossing around a football or frisbee, skiing, hiking, watching spongebob and/or drake and josh, and going to the temple are some of my favorite memories with my bud. I like to think Heavenly Father sometimes puts best friends in families when he sends us down to earth... I've been blessed to have gotten along with Bridger pretty much all our lives. He's always been both by my side and on my side. One of my favorite evidences of that fact is a picture we have of me in my baptism dress and him with his cutie cowlicky hair,  famous Bob the builder t-shirt, and cheesey grin... oh how I love this boy!!!!

I was talking with a lady this past week about her own brother that called her from his new house in Atlanta. He called to give her an update on how he has adjusted and expressed that he was lonely and scared and uncertain about the future. I admired the way that he turned to her and still called her up even though they were in their mid forties, I hope B and I will have a relationship like that in the future. He's growing up so fast from what I've seen in pictures and videos he is an absolute stud and I might not recognize him when I go home!!! He's got me beat in height (not hard but still) his voice is 10 octaves lower and probably most impressive is he is becoming SUCH a spiritual giant!!!! if you jog your memory a little and/or even scroll back in time to a few of my emails 8 months ago when I first waved see you later at the airport and had my life flipped completely upside down in Mexico... you may recall I had a bit of a struggle and a long journey of finding myself and my purpose in a foreign country, with foreign people, a foreign language, and foreign feelings. But you know who helped me the most??? My two brothers... Bridger sent me an email that brought me to tears... I needed it more than he will ever know... I remember reading it and wondering who was the older singling here??? I wrote a portion of it down and stuck it on my cinder block dungeon wall in our casa... He said:

Good luck and remember to #1 enjoy things, one thing I've learned over my 15 years is things only happen once and I look back at things I've done and thought, wow I really wish I would have known how lucky I am and how cool this is. So don't get caught up looking ahead. LIVE EVERYDAY WITH GRATITUDE AND LOVE!

Isn't that what I've been learning and relearning every single day that I'm out here?! And Bridge had the insight and perspective to see that at a time when I didn't and followed a prompting to remind his sister who was struggling. His sister who would open her photo album of her family and smile at some pictures and then get to his and sob... oh he just gets me every time!!!! I'm so grateful for him.

The other brother that has always been there is my Savior Jesus Christ... He too has always been by my side and on my side. He is so anxious to help dust me off and walk by my side through this crazy whirlwind of a thing we call life. I grow closer to Him every day and would NOT be where I am without His grace, His mercy, and His atoning sacrifice. Like my earthly brother Bridger, Christ has taught me so much, is a forever best friend and helps me find joy and laughter unlike anything else. Even in times of sadness and when I am in a foreign land or a foreign situation. He is there, that's what brothers are for. One of my junior high wishes was that I could've had an older brother (I didn't want an older sister because I didn't want to deal with the drama;). But I figured it would be really nice to have an older brother to have been the for lack of a better word "guinea pig" child... to know what the future was like instead of stepping into it myself not knowing what I was getting into, not having those little pointers that so many of my friends had... Well here I am 7 years later realizing that I've always had an older brother. Christ feels familiar in that sense... We are all spirit children of Heavenly Father and so Christ is our brother, our older brother. Yet when I apply my "guinea pig wish" to Him I get more of a glimpse into His role as my Savior. He went through each one of our lives before us, feeling and understanding all that we have and will feel. He knows what we are getting ourselves into, He perfectly knows those unknowns and can offer pointers in order to get through them. He knows because He loves us, He understands because He wants to help us. I am so grateful for Him.

Now, for my stories this week... pheuf...  I don't even know where to begin... I guess keeping up with the brother theme I've got going I'll create an
"Oh Brother List"
Here goes:
•The lesson we stood up in the middle of and said we aren't here to argue and when the man was willing to change to give us a call...
• The experience of tracting in the torrential downpour being soaked to the bone and having no success.
•The less active family we taught that there are 5 steps to returning to the Heavenly Father's presence and cut out footsteps and wrote: baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, Melchizedek priesthood (for men), temple endowment and temple sealing, followed up by the daughter showing us her sketchbook full of skeletons and bleeding hearts and the 70 year old member we had with us eyes bugged out of his head
•The guy we were supposed to meet for a lesson at the church and then he stood us up but after we went to his house and he didn't answer we stuck around the area and when we walked back to our car he was outside on his porch and so we had a lesson.
•Or how bout the time we met a guy catching "minners" (minnows) in the creek? Classic.
•There was that terrifying moment when our progressing investigator's grandma walks up and we sat there praying our hearts out she's not a fire and brimstone believer and then she turns out to be the SWEETEST "Nanny" ever!!!
•The day we found an investigator at a bar where he works...
 the lesson we had across the counter at the Habitat for Humanity store.
• When we said to a less active "Well we know God has a perfect plan for you" and she looks at us smiles, nods, and says: "Okay! ..... well thanks for stopping by!"
•The crazy turn of events when the guy mentioned above that we left mid lesson came to church to apologize and said he thought about what we said and wants to give it a chance.
•And the conversation we had with a different investigator after church:
Investigator: "Well I guess I better give you my schedule so you can set up a time to come teach me again"
 Us: "Yep you know it! You know someone once told us we're like warts... We just don't go away!!!"
Investigator: "Well you know you grow on us though...."
Us: "Awwwwwww!!!!!"
Investigator: "Well... I'm going to go now"

It's been a good week, a hard week, a rainy week, a sometimes uncertain week. But when I remember the counsel of my brothers to:
1. Don't get caught up looking ahead. Live everyday with gratitude and love!
2. Remember: Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.

I know that I am cared about, looked after, supported, and will be ok!!!!

Love y'all!!!
Send a note to Bridger on the 15th!!!! And do the basics to draw closer to Christ everyday. Because we all fall short, we all need help, and we all really do need Him every hour!
Have a blessed week!!!
Hermana Hall

With all this talk about brothers I need to acknowledge a couple of my sisters because as my horoscope someone sent me this week said: "big news" has indeed come my way:


Happy Birthday Sister Montierth

Golfing with no clubs is NO BUENO!!!!
        Que Paso?

Monday, August 7, 2017


Yet again we had an amazing experience with another investigator this week. This guy has been through a LOT, but he has been talking to us his "church people" and always feels better. He has called us twice just needing to talk about drama in his life. He doesn't ask for help or even advice, just for prayers. I am so grateful that he trusts us and wants some of our prayers and knows that we represent Christ and can help him connect with Him. Anyway we had a fantastic lesson with him outside at the church. Sister Allen and I arrived before him and pulled out some of those classic tan primary chairs that you can't find anywhere else... we all sat on those and listened to him for a good 20 minutes. He vented and you could just see the hardship lifting from him as he talked. There was part of me that was thinking, "Ah how are we supposed to teach the Restoration???" But the bigger part of me thought "Just keep listening, what would Christ do?"

As we listened he suddenly voiced the concern "And ya know what I don't think I really understand faith, like people always be telling me I got faith and then if something happens that I don't like then I feel like I don't have any faith... I don't get how it works" and like lightning  we flipped to Alma 32 and  read through the chapter the three of us together... all 42 verses, pausing and explaining, asking questions, and watching in amazement as he taught himself. Hearing him reexplain what faith was and watching his face light up when he said "So I had faith the entire time? I got da seed?! Dats what's up!!!" Oh my goodness it was priceless, one of those unforgettable moments I know I'll never forget and I'll tell my kids about. The gospel is so true and so amazing, it truly "alters human lives and changes human nature." (Ezra Taft Benson)

 Another thing I will never forget from this lesson with this guy was what I want to focus the rest of this letter on. I was so struck by the spirit when this amazing man said one of my new favorite quotes: "I'm too blessed to be stressed"
oh. my. goodness. Let that one sink in for a minute...

I absolutely love that! And it is true! Why do general authorities and church leaders continue to challenge us to "count our blessings" and have an "attitude of gratitude"? Because it changes our perspective. It causes us to focus on all that is good without the bad, without the unnecessary stress.

I want to share a portion of a letter I recently sent to my mission President where I shared a concern I have about the need to "get over myself" and get rid of unnecessary stress. Every week I share with him the "peach and pit" of my week, this was last week's pit. I'd venture to bet many missionaries have these feelings. Most probably don't publicize them but I think it's an important thing to share and realize and talk about.

PIT: I am having a hard time getting over myself at times and not worrying about messing things up or not saying something or saying too much. Sometimes I feel like I over analyze and over visualize how I want things to go and then get worried I just jynxed it, i know that that sounds faithless but I'm being honest and trying to pray for help to get over it. I noticed something in my call letter this past week. It says "as you serve with all your heart, might, and strength the Lord will lead you to those who are prepared to be baptized." I noticed that it doesn't say MIND. That part is left out and I think that is inspired and I'm trying to apply that into my life and work.

It is a powerful realization that I have had that unlike the famous "High School Musical" song says, sometimes I need to get my head OUT of the game...
The Lord knows us perfectly. He knows what we need and our little pea brains can't comprehend the way He works. That's where faith comes in, and that's where putting our trust in Him and serving with our heart, might, and strength becomes vital. If I get my mind out of the work and put my heart into it then that's when success happens, that's when blessings come. That's when time passes, and that's when miracles are seen. That's when I can say with most confidence: "I'm too blessed to be stressed."

It's something that I know has been my struggle for a lot of my life, overanalyzing and wondering, I know it is one of my weaknesses, yet I also trust it can be made one of my strengths. I know it is something I'm going to have to overcome everyday, yet I'm committed to do it, but I know I can't do it alone. That's why I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be a missionary and be so consecrated and dedicated to working, serving, becoming like and relying on my Savior Jesus Christ. Only through Him am I able to find peace and hope for my future and the future of those that I meet every day. On lds.org I saw the new theme for the youth this upcoming 2018 year, I absolutely LOVE the logo! It has wavy lines that are color blocked in shades of red and blue and then there is one straight line color blocked in light blue with the words of the theme: "Peace In Christ" above it. My first impression of it is something that Hermana Jacobson helped me learn. She would often say, "The world is a crazy place always changing, but Christ is the constant." That's what I see in that logo the world different shades and wavering but Christ constant. Always. Yesterday. Today. Forever. Through Him we can do all things. Through Him we are too blessed to be stressed.

I want to share two more experiences I was blessed with this week.

#1 The investigator I ranted and raved about last weekend committed to baptism for the first Saturday in September!!!! We had planned on having dinner at a member's home to teach the full Restoration lesson and commit him to baptism but when we showed up there were 11 people there and we decided that was way too much pressure to put on him. Instead we had a really good discussion about our personal relationships with Christ and shared Sister Allen's all time favorite video "Because of Him" (https://www.mormon.org/video/because-of-him)
We left that night feeling unsure about how he felt about things (our minds were too much in the game) and we prayed that we could have another opportunity to teach him before Sunday. Saturday afternoon he texted us about a question he had while reading in the Book of Mormon. We asked if we could come over right then. He said sure, so we headed that way. During that time he continued to read and had an answer to his question by the time we got there but we still were able to discuss what he had read and then jumped right in to the Restoration lesson and committed him to be baptized. The spirit was there guiding us the entire way and it was another one of those experiences I'll never forget and will tell my kids about. We definitely did a party dance and said a gratitude prayer once we got back to the car!!!! We are overjoyed and in complete awe at how amazing he is! We had another investigator come to church this Sunday who has some deep challenges with depression and feelings of worthlessness and skepticism. We had an amazing lesson in gospel principles with both of them and at the end a member asked the latter one if he had read from the Book of Mormon before and he said he hadn't but we had given him one and challenged him too. Our dear sweet incredible golden guy came up and started bearing his testimony to him. He said, "I was pretty skeptical of it as well, but as I began to read I got that same feeling I had when they first came and talked to me and so you have to just try it out. I have seen when I keep reading the book I get my questions answered." OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! Our hearts soared through the roof it was one of the most awe-inspiring things I've ever experienced. One investigator sharing experience and helping a fellow traveler on the road to faith and conversion. I am too blessed to be stressed.  

 #2 When Hermana Yauney and I whitewashed into Rockwood 7 months ago we met a sweet less active man our second week there. I just loved this man, we invited him to church the first time we met him, AND HE CAME! I remember thinking "How can I feel such intense joy that I want to tackle this guy because I'm so happy he is here?! I just got here! How can I feel this way?" It was my first experience with Christlike love... caring so deeply about a person I had never before met. Caring so deeply and so immediately about his life, his salvation, and his relationship with the Savior. As the months went by we continued to visit this man and he continued to come to church. We continued to hike up the hill to his humble little hermit home, flick off ticks and teach and bear testimony and listen to his life experiences and his testimony. He told us about the times he would give away a Book of Mormon or two that he always kept in the car. And about the time he gave two German hitchhikers a ride and took them to the Hill Cummorah Pageant. He showed us his shop where he had his fly fishing gear. After hearing I loved fishing he tied me ties to take home and use and always remember him. I'll never forget when we shared the story of my all time favs the Anti Nephi Lehi's with him and asked him to write something on a piece of paper that he was willing to sacrifice and then actually bury it in the ground and commit to do it. I'll never forget when we asked him for a referral and he told us about a friend that ended up accepting a Book of Mormon and began reading it on the swing in his front yard as we drove away. There was also the lesson where we watched the Mormon message "You Will Be Freed" and talked all about fishing and avoiding Satan's lures. Right before I left Rockwood we had a lesson where we set a date with him when he would commit to staying all three hours of church. That date was August 6. Well on Thursday I got a call from Hermana Jacboson, she and her companion Sister Pogue have continued to visit him and have had some really good lessons and he was preparing and planning to stay the full three hours this Sunday... but this past Monday he passed away unexpectedly... I am shocked... I am sad... but once again I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and the opportunity I had to meet this man and to be an instrument in the Lord's hand assisting him back to the straight and narrow path. I had written him a letter before I left where I had shared my desire to return to Tennessee after my mission and go to the temple with many of the people I have met while here. I told him I wanted him to be there. And you know what? I know he will be. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have met so many wonderful people who have influenced me so deeply I truly am too blessed to be stressed.

I hope y'all have a blessed week with minimal stress and when the stress does come you get your mind out of the game and turn to the Lord who can offer you peace that the world can only mimic but cannot provide. For as a wise man once said "The world cannot fill the God-shaped hole in our hearts"

Love and pray for each one of you'uns!!!!
Hermana Hall