Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Shotguns and Signatures

The story goes something like this. Late one night after we had dinner at a member's home we needed to go to our Bishop's home to get his signature for a baptism form we filled out (more to come on that in a second). Without calling beforehand we headed over the river and through the woods to his backwoods farm.  We turned down his gravel lane, Hermana McCune driving and pulled up to his house, deciding to leave the car running so that we wouldn't have to stay long because we needed to be in for curfew. As we walk up to the door we see through the window his son coming to the door pretty fast... he flung open the door looking panicked and holding a shotgun. When he saw it was us the color returned to his face and he let us in and we talked to Bishop got the signature and went on our merry way. The wife of the guy with the gun later called us to apologize that we almost got shot, at our bishop's house of all places. Must be in Tennesee.

But back to the baptism, I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we put one of our investigators that is married to a member on date for the 24th, well she kept that date and made it and was baptized. It was so amazing to be a part of, Sister McCune and I were able to go and help her out of the font and hand her her towel and the feeling that was present as she gave us a big wet hug is unlike any other. I am so happy for her and her family, they have made so many steps in the right direction and it has been amazing to have spent 7 months alongside them helping and guiding them. The next day in Gospel Principles after she had been confirmed a member and received the gift of the Holy Ghost in sacrament meeting we asked her how she felt and she said she didn't even know how to describe it and you couldn't put words to it. We later asked her and her husband how they felt that the gospel has blessed their family and they shared how it has blessed them in all ways. They've been able to come back to church and come back together, it has strengthened their marriage and helped them make better decisions. It was so great to be able to help them recognize blessings and look forward to more to come as they continue to make covenants together.

However as great as that all was possibly the biggest peach of the whole event was a text that our now recent convert forwarded us from a friend that is from West Virginia who made the trip down to support her and attend the baptismal service. She wrote: "you know when you go to a church as a visitor sometimes you feel uneasy sometimes no one welcomes you, well I can say that I was a visitor at the church in Tennessee, the ladies came up to me and hugged me like we was friends for years and the bishop and the elders introduced themselves I have never felt that welcome in a church in my life thanks to all that made that day so special for y'all and treating me and my husband so great."

THAT is what the gospel is all about. Inviting others to come unto Christ, guiding them along their way and welcoming all who are placed in our path.

So that was probably the climax of our week but we also had some other pretty awesome experiences, herding cows and teaching a farmer about the priesthood, meeting a potter who asked for a Book of Mormon, and a couple of Spanish lessons.

Herding Cows: a ward member invited us to come and help move a couple of cows from one pasture to the other and so we held up  panels and guided a pregnant mama and a calf into a trailer. It was only a little bit intimidating when mama cow got a little spooked and was trying to get out of our makeshift corral, but the ward member and his backwoods countryboy neighbor seemed to have full confidence that we weren't going to get trampled so we trusted them and we got them moved. Before we loaded them though we were helping the neighbor dig some holes for posts because he is working on building a barn. As we did so he asked us a question about why the boy missionaries were called Elder which lead to a discussion about Priesthood and a brief overview of the Restoration and him committing to read more of the Book of Mormon his member neighbor gave him and boom you have a lesson.

Potter: when we went back to find an investigator who stood us up we ended up talking to his neighbor who was out in his garage. Turns out he has a studio out there and had a wheel and kiln and showed us some of the pieces he was working on, he kept asking us if we were going to leave him with material to read which we did after explaining about the Book of Mormon he became yet another person out of the thousands of people in this area that think the Book of Mormon replaces the Bible to understand that it is separate and distinct and yet still valuable. He was excited to read in 3 Nephi and we are excited to go back and talk with him more.

Spanish lessons: We had three lessons in Spanish this week two we read from the Book of Mormon with and the other we taught about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the member that came with us invited him to come to General Conference this weekend after he gets off of work and we think he might actually come! Hooray!! In ward council on Sunday Bishop Whittaker said he thought that with all of the Spanish in this area half of our congregation should be Latino. Hermana McCune and I both in unison said "Where do they all live Bishop?!" he said he wasn't really sure but that a lot of them worked here, which is great but some of them travel long distances to work here, but we are still looking I honestly have no doubt that if our ward were to have more Latinos in it it would be due to the efforts of McCune. She is doing so great and has so much drive and fire to find Spanish, and her Spanish is so good, at least 10,000x better than mine, she carries all of the lessons and has taught me a lot. I'm so grateful for her.

Once again it has been another great week. I love Greeneville, I love the people here and my companion and being a missionary in general. Life is grand God is good.

Hope y'all have a great week!!!

Hermana Hall

Monday, March 19, 2018

The Veil Of Ugliness

Rewind almost 16 months ago before I left on my mission, one of my favorite things was when the Sister Missionaries texted me and asked if I would be willing to go on splits with them. I had so many awesome experiences that I will never ever forget and it was quite honestly the best mission prep I could have had. I remember though there was this one Sister that I went to a couple of lessons with and we pulled up to the last house we were going to try and on the drive over we had been talking about how I was going on a mission and I had asked if she had any advice for me. What she told me freaked me right out but has since proven amusing and also true. She said to "watch out for the veil of ugliness" when I asked what in the world that was she said... "your sense of style will disappear and you will gain weight... it's pretty inevitable but won't last forever." Yeah.... so that is sooooo not what I wanted to hear!!!! But guess what? She was so right!!! I beg you not to do this but if you were to scroll back a ways to about a year ago when I was in Rockwood you will definitley notice that I gained a bit of weight. You hear about the "freshman 15" there's probably the equivalent to that when you are first out on your mission. And then the other part of the veil of ugliness was you lose your sense of style... Which I was pretty convinced that with my sweet mama sending me clothes I was going to be ok and not have my style slip away. But yesterday I was at church and a sweet ward member complimented my black shirt with those "bell sleeves" that I thought were super cute and in right now with my tan skirt with black lace overlay and my black tights and shoes and said "No offense but you would make a really cute witch." Hahaha!!!! Glad she at least used the word cute it made it slightly less shocking. But the story doesn't end there this morning an Amish woman at Wal-Mart complimented Hermana McCune on her dress, it's gingham and kind of flowy and she looked at me and said "if an Amish woman likes it it must look Amish!" It was so funny. So yeah I've experienced the so called "veil of ugliness."

But just like the missionary told me all those months ago it wont last forever.  The weight I gained didn't stay forever Sister Allen and I tried this wonderful diet suggestion from an Elder nearby called the chicken and rice diet and it was horrible. We made it about a week and a half, but since then I've been making healthier choices and seeing the results from it, I feel better and hope look a bit better too. And the clothes thing, all is not lost. I'm sure when I get home I'll find my way back to not looking like a witch or a librarian. And you know what sometimes life gets a little ugly, its inevitable... BUT it won't last forever.

Like this week we had the MOST amazing experience with an investigator who missionaries have been working with for about 7 months. She has only been to church once and said she hasn't felt like she got an answer about whether or not the Book of Mormon and if this church is where she needs to be. We prayed a lot a lot a lot and decided that we needed to go and tell her that we were going to not come by for a little bit so she can see if this is really what she wants in her life and what she would be willing to sacrifice in order to come to church. I was very nervous going into the lesson, I love this lady so much and it was killing me to have to make an executive decision about her. Let her use her agency really. We can't want it more than her, that's not conversion. So we went in and sat down and she proceeded to tell us that all that week she had been reading the Book of Mormon during her lunch breaks and it was the only thing that had gotten her through a rough week. She then said that as she read the day April 15 popped into her mind and that was the day she wants to get baptized on. We have extended three different baptism dates to her but this time she came forth and brought one to the table. We pulled up the baptism interview questions and she answered them like a champ. The Spirit was so strong and she later said she felt so good after that lesson. Well fast forward a few days later and we went back, we walked in and immediately knew something was wrong, unfortunately she had been anti'd pretty hard at work and had a LOT of questions. She was very shaken up about it and we did our best to answer her questions and help her as best as we could to not betray or deny the experiences she had already had and that it was completely normal for Satan to up his game right as she had. That situation has a bit of a veil of ugliness over it, but I know it won't last forever. It is inevitable that trials and temptations and doubts come, but it is our choice how we let it affect us.

I have learned so much about opposition on my mission, as much as I don't like it I know it is neccessary, through the difficult we grow, through doubts and quesstions we can find the importance and blessings of real intent and faith and yes... through the ugliness we find real beauty.

I am so grateful for all the many lessons I learn on a daily basis. And for the love and support that I feel on a daily basis.

Life really is beautiful even though it at times has a veil of ugliness cast over, it is inevitable but not forever. '

Love y'all! Hope you have a fantastic week!!!!

Hermana Hall

Monday, March 12, 2018

Are You With Me?!

This week was one heck of a long week fullll of meetings. Elder Joseph Sitati of the 70 came and toured our mission and Sister McCune and I had the opportunity of hearing from him not once, not twice, not three times, but four times in one week. At mission leadership counsel, zone conference, the adult session of stake conference, and stake conference. I have to admit we started to get the giggles because we got to the point where we could quote him pretty well. He is from Kenya and has an awesome accent. Our favorite thing that he would say was "Are you with me?" when checking to see if we were all on the same page and understanding what he was sharing. I was thinking about it a little more and decided that there was a deeper meaning and lesson to learn from that phrase. (I've found that with a lot of things in case you haven't noticed:) But I was thinking about if Christ were to say that to me what my answer would be... Am I "with Him?"

Because I promise you I know how sometimes He asks us to do things that we really don't think are possible. And He asks us "Are you with me?" I've found that ultimately it is just another way that He asks us if we trust Him.

So here are three experiences from this week where I feel like the Lord asked if Hermana McCune and I were with Him and we acted in faith and showed Him we were.

Spanish U-Turn: We had prayed one morning asking "who needs us today" and a woman I had met pretty soon after I first got here in Greeneville reached out to us on facebook and invited us over to the new place she is living. I had been way out to this boonies trailer park months before while trying to find someone else and wasn't overly excited about going back but we both thought maybe there would be some Spanish people out there. So we went. After driving up one road and down another and seeing none of the tell-tale signs of Spanish households: brooms and shoes on porches, we pulled out to another road and at the precise moment a van pulled in with a Hispanic looking man driving. We both turned and looked at each other and yelled "Spanish!" Immediately we flipped a U and followed him to where he was going... creepy much? Yeah I know but the Lord was so guiding us especially as we talked to him got his info which was no where near where we currently were and then set up a time for us to come and teach him and his daughter. We trusted and the Lord magnified our efforts and blessed our u-turn. He knew that there were multiple people that needed us like we had prayed for and ulitmately needed Him. It was so great!!!! He asked us: are you with me? And we showed that we were!

His Timing: A woman that missionaries have been working with since before I got here but has encounteredf: health scares, work changes, and a husband preparing to be worthy is officially ready to be baptized. We had a great lesson with them in a McDonald's booth and they said that if they didn't have an obligation this Saturday then they would scheudle the baptism then. So next week she is going to be baptized and I am SO excited for them. And so grateful they can experience this happy day together. With him worthy to batpize her and her worthy to be baptized. I have  watched her come so far, to actively participate in discussions in releif society and sunday school and purchase the institute guidebooks online and study from the Book of Mormon and Bible when she can for at least an hour a day. She is ready. I have watched him come back to church, say prayers, pay tithing, and quit unheatlhy habits. He is ready. It has taken time but something was different that day in that McDonald's the Spirit confirmed that the time is now. It is the Lord's time and we trusted it. Over 6 months of missionaries helping and guiding them and they are ready to enter the waters of baptism. I am so happy for them. We are with Him.

Home Theater Lesson: Finally we taught an amazing restoration lesson with an amazing investigator. The spirit was strong as we sat in another unique location, her home theater. After the lesson I turned to Hermana McCune and said that "I'm going to bet that you probably will never teach the Restoration lesson in a home theater again." Maybe she will but it was pretty unique situation but powerful nonetheless. It was amazing to see the spirit touch this sweet woman and tears fill her eyes as she said that "I really believe that this could happen and prophets could be on the earth" Hermana McCune was so intune and quick to point out that she is feeling the Spirit and that no matter what anyone else says to her (because she has encountered some anti-Mormon literature and people) no one can take away the experiences she has had and things she has felt unless she lets them. She committed to praying about being baptized in May and to reading more from the Book of Mormon and coming to church. She is on her way to showing the Lord that she is with Him.

I am so grateful for the chance I have as a missionary to everyday show that I am with Him as I put on His name with my own on my missionary tag. I am grateful that I am able to help others show the Lord that they are with Him as they make and keep commitments to strengthen their faith in Him and better accept His restored gospel.

So what about y'all?

Are you with me?! Are you with Him?!

I know you are, and if you can't say a resounding yes than please take the time to reevaluate your life and your priorities so that you can more fully stand by Him more fully commit to serving Him and that when He calls you will answer, and ultimately when He comes you will be there.

We can all do better, we can ALL be with Him.

I am so grateful for this knowledge and testimony and the opportunity to share it with the people of Tennessee.

Love y'all to the moon and back!

Hermana Hall

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Your Spanish Is Going To Pot

That was so not the words that I expected nor wanted myself and my sweet new companion to hear as we were at a members home one evening this past week. One of the new things we are doing is asking nearly everyone we meet if they know if any people who speak Spanish live nearby. Most say they don't know but in the case of this man he looked straight at us and said "NOPE! Not around here! Your Spanish is going to pot!" I was half laughing half mortified. HOWEVER we've certainly proved him wrong by getting two Spanish referrals from the Elders. We had a lesson with one of them yesterday and he has been meeting with another church's missionaries for 9 years and understands that you need to be prepared to make a decision like that. We had a member in the ward that is from Mexico that was with us and able to fill in words and phrases and further explain things that we don't have a vocabulary for. And let me tell you... I am SO grateful for my new companion. Good gracious I would NOT have survived that lesson on my own. The moment the man started talking when he opened the door I had no idea what he was saying.  Luckily Hermana McCune has had 12 weeks straight (6 weeks in Mexico at the CCM, and 6 weeks in Dalton Georgia, all Spanish) before this in complete Spanish immersion and so her comprehension is wayyy better and she could actually understand and respond better than I could. I've been teasing her that I'm not actually training her, she is the one training me. I honestly believe that, she is pushing me to elevate my learning and language and it's been great. Humbling? YES. Intimidating? YES. Lots of time saying pleading prayers? YES. But I know it's all for a reason and a purpose and I was blessed with an outpouring of peace while I was fasting yesterday that has lingered and I know that all will be well. 

I really am so blessed.

But seriously at times I feel like I have exhausted our Spanish resources because I have been driving this girl all over town going to every Spanish house apartment, and trailer I can think of and remember. But you know what, the Lord blesses us and we keep finding people!!!! And they speak Spanish!!! We were talking to these little kids outside and asking if their neighbors spoke Spanish too and they proceeded to tell us which apartment numbers did. SCORE!
So I feel like contrary to what our sweet ward member says that personally my Spanish had already gone to pot and now it is the time to improve and be diligent in learning and practicing and seeking for the gift of tongues. In Preach My Gospel  it says that

Part of seeking the gift of tongues is to labor and struggle and to do all you can to learn the language. Trust that the Spirit will help you as you live the way you should and do your very best.

I can definitely attest that there is labor and struggle involved in speaking Spanish and missionary work in general, no you know what,  LIFE in general. Labor and struggle is how we grow! All we can do is do our best and trust in the Lord to help us through. To guide us with the Spirit. I don't know if I've shared this quote before but I absolutely love it, it's by Gordon B. Hinkley, "Please don't nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Do not set goals far above your capacity to achieve, simply do what you can do in the best way you know and the Lord will accept of your effort."

I have seen that time and time again. When we are doing our best and our doubts and fears and nagging thoughts of failure are replaced by faith then miracles happen. The spirit is able to come and work on the hearts of the people present. It's been such an amazing lesson to learn at least 754,986 times in the past 15 months.

I want to close with a story about that, about doing your best and letting the Spirit work the miracle. This one was in English. It was one of Sister Beare's last nights in the field and we went to see an investigator we met miraculously while looking for someone else. We decided to read from the Book of Mormon with her and have been sharing Enos a lot lately (no coincidence because it prepared us for this night) we went in and began to read it with her, when part way through probably halfway through the chapter she stopped us and said, "Girls I have a question I'm not sure if it's off topic or not but what does it mean when the Bible talks about mansions in heaven?" We explain about how Heavenly Father has a place prepared for each of His children and how it's more than we can even fathom, mansions might be more symbolic than actual gigantic homes. She brought up death and seeing the Lord and preparing for our return and then we continued to read. As we turned the page and got to the last verse it was my turn to read, verse  27 says:

And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen.

I looked up and she was staring at us in complete astonishment, you could visibly see the Spirit touch her and tears welled up in her eyes as she exclaimed "Girls that's God speaking to me! ... Did you see that?!...  I just asked about mansions!!! .... Does this happen often?!" We smiled and nodded and testified of the reality and power of the Book of Mormon that she really can know for herself that the message that we share and the restored gospel is true. Not one person in that room can deny that the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are aware of us. They know our questions before we even ask them. They prepare answers, and we just have to prepare ourselves to receive them.

Blessings come to those who wait, those who struggle and those who trust.

Like my all time favorite quote in the world says: "Don't give up boy don't you quit. You keep walking you keep trying.  There is help and happiness ahead. You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust in God and believe in good things to come." Jeffrey R. Holland

It will all be all right, our Spanish won't go to pot, the Lord won't leave us out to dry, our questions won't go unanswered, and good things WILL come.

I know this, I live this, I love this.

Love y'all!

Have a fantastic week!!!

Hermana Hall