I found this quote during personal study this week and it hit me like a ton of bricks. So powerful, I absolutely adore it!!!
“At some moment in the world to come, everyone you will ever meet will know what you know now. They will know that the only way to live forever in association with our families and in the presence of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, was to choose to enter into the gate by baptism at the hands of those with authority from God. They will know that the only way families can be together forever is to accept and keep sacred covenants offered in the temples of God on this earth. And THEY WILL KNOW THAT YOU KNEW. And they will remember whether you offered them what someone had offered you” -President Henry B. Eyring
There is a less active in Spring City, (the city in the lower part of our area) that we have been unable to contact. Hermana Yauney and I had stopped by one day a few weeks ago, we could hear the tv blaring, knocked twice, rang the doorbell twice, left a note, and left. Hermana Jacobson and I decided to return this past week. The situation was much of the same, there was no tv sound but there were two cars in the driveway and a lamp on in the home. After knocking twice, ringing the doorbell twice, the two of us turned to head on our way, as we left I noticed a side door with a doorbell and I was like "score!" Jacobson was a little hesitant but I said let's go for it we knocked and rang and we met the sweet old man that lived there! He was welcoming and didn't even know there was a ward in Rockwood. We chatted for a minute he told us we were "cute little buggers" and that he was getting ready to head out of town to take care of his son who has cancer. It was a really powerful experience though of not giving up and knowing that we did our absolute best to seek people out and invite them to Christ. One day he'll know, and we'll know too.
We talked to a homeless man in a church parking lot, he had some interesting views on the church and also had been drinking quite a lot, we gave a diligent effort in giving him a Book of Mormon but he tried to tell us he had one at home, yet he wasn't home... but one day he'll know, and we'll know.
I was privileged to be a part of an incredible lesson during exchanges in Maryville which is west of Farragut, the girl in this lesson was so prepared, she didn't need any convincing, she wanted to know the gospel, she has seen the way it has changed her sister and wants that change too, I was beginning to think that the only people that were like that were in South America, so humble and ready for the gospel in their lives. One day she'll know and we will too.
We spent a large amount of a night sorting through six boy's worth of socks with a lady in the ward, she is an amazing example of strength and has been going through some very tough things in her life. It was an experience where I learned that the importance of service even if it's sorting socks, should never be underestimated. One day she'll know and we will too.
The scripture that talks about how "Adam tilled the earth by the sweat of his brow has never been more true" this past week we planted two gardens at that farm we are always working on. I had the opportunity to use a tiller which was a little scary but also way cool, the next day Jacobson and I were so sore! But our service again was so appreciated, and we were happy to help, even though we may or may not have both gotten ticks from the experience. But not to worry we are fine! Vaseline and tweezers does the trick of removing them! We love working on that farm and even better we love the people that live there. One day they'll know and we will too.
Hermana Jacobson felt impressed to go visit a member in an assisted living facility before we went in for the night, I'll admit I drug my feet a little bit but obliged and we went and even though I had to sit in a wheel chair that had recently had an accident on it it was a good lesson and we talked to him about eternal families. He gave us some info about his family and we are going to work on his family tree on family search for him, though he doesn't remember us from week to week we know the importance of this gospel and the comfort of knowledge of the life to come knowing we can and will live forever with our families. One day he'll know and we will too.
As always there is so much more that happened I could go on and on, most of the time I do, but my time is short and it's been a lovely pday of shopping til we drop, but please know that I love y'all and we can each live like missionaries and like Christ each day.
Live in such a way that in the next life no one will come up to you and say "Why didn't you tell me?"
Have a blessed week!
Hermana Hall

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