Alright to begin this I gotta tell you about this guy we met tracting. He came out and was pretty cool I thought. He had this super long curly hair and told us he had recently moved from Asheville North Carolina which supposedly is very "organic and hippie city." Anyway he was pretty receptive to what we had to say and accepted a pamphlet and said we could come back a couple days later. So a couple days later we were on exchanges on opposite ends of our area and weren't able to make it back to this guy's house, however he remembered and called when we were in the middle of a lesson and left not one, not two, but three voicemails. Asking if we still planned on coming back, saying he was expecting us and wanted to learn more, and finally that it was ok we didn't need to come back he wasn't really interested. But not to fear we called him back and were able to set up another time to go and teach him. That day came and when we got there he had already read the entire restoration pamphlet, which is rare. And he was SO excited to find and read a Book of Mormon, even more rare. So we had a lesson with him and it went really well. He was super receptive and everything went so good. Except for the times when we burst out laughing it was one of the coolest restoration lessons I've been a part of during my time out here. Now to quickly explain why we burst out laughing. At one point when I was testifying about the importance of prophets all of the sudden this guy, who is sitting across from us, reaches out and snatches the air right in front of my nose and yells "SPIDERWEB!!!!" Apparently floating through the breeze was a wisp of a spiderweb but not to worry he got It. I about fell off my chair in fear and Sister See lost it laughing. The spirit took off for a brief second but came right back to testify, especially when we gave him the Book of Mormon and explained more about it. Y'all this guy was elated! Truly as if we had handed him rubies and diamonds. He said he had purchased a note book to write in as he studied. Woohoo!!!!! How cool is that!? Ok but still the other point we started laughing was when he starts talking about "a pretty lucid dream" he had where he was "walking and saw a sign up ahead and as I got closer I read what it said as it came into view and it said in big letters GOD IS HIGHER THAN FUN. That was something I really needed in my life right then and I just really feel like God has been preparing me for this moment right now."
Well dude I couldn't agree more! I love this guy! When he said he would get baptized on December 16 even though he was scared of water but "if God wanted him to" he thinks he could do it, hearing that caused me to feel that happiness that is so unique to a missionary. That true joy that comes when people want to repent and follow our Savior. Then when he came to church and walked through the doors in a flannel, corduroys, and black socks with flip-flops, again the overwhelming joy filled me and radiated, we were so excited to see him. Sacrament spoke directly to him when the speakers talked about dispelling anger, and studying the scriptures, he took notes. I'm gospel principles he answered the question about what the restoration was on point "a time when the authority of God wasn't on the earth and people were confused." Sister See and I fist pumped on the sly, SO proud of him. I would imagine it's a glimpse into what parents feel when they experience their children learning. I love it. I absolutely love it.
Ok so another point I want to make is something our dear sweet mission president, President Pickett taught me. In a zone conference a bit ago he talked about how in his growing up life he was a "long-hair." The definition being a little bit of a high school rebel, characterized by long mangy hair. We all know one, some of us have even been one, maybe even are one. But President talked a lot about the potential for change in everyone but especially for long-hairs. He shared how many people see long-hairs and maybe nointentionally but also sometimes intentionally judge and even condemn them. He said that he is a long-hair turned around and changed for the better, and as a result he has an empathy for other long-hairs. Often times in home teaching assignments or other callings he was asked to be a friend and a fellowshipper to them. He watched and felt privileged to see many of them change, repent, clean up and cut their hair. But it's more than just cutting hair, it's cutting off bad habits, influences, and experiences.
I know that this church is true, I know there is potential for change in everyone and I also know that God is higher than fun and that he will help us, bless us, and change us.
I love y'all!
Hermana Hall

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