Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Spanish or Hair Dye

Ah man this letter is going to start out with a funny story. So we were in Walmart handing out Light the World cards, and we have had a goal to hand out 50 Spanish cards, because we have 500 and y'all I'm not even sure that there are 500 spanish people in this town. But we are bound and determined to hand 50 out. So we are always on the lookout, and so we were at Walmart talking to these girls and they were really sweet, and both accepted cards. Immediately after we talked to them Sister See said "I saw a Spanish guy walk by and so we take our cart and go hauling around the corner and she says "He's right over there!" and I stop in my tracks and squint and turn at her and say, that's not Spanish that is just bad hair dye. It was a guy who had a major spray tan and really bad black hair dye, he was definitely not Spanish but we really tried to make him be! We are trying our hardest to find them. 50 cards or bust by Christmas.

Other than that this week was a really solid week. I want to share three highlights.

ALLEN: I was able to see her at Zone Conference and it was sooooo great! Honestly the best Christmas gift ever. It was like reliving the time she came into the mission and President Griffin announced we are going to be companions and I went and nearly tackled her wirh excitement. The moment that I peeked around the corner and saw her standing there I jumped and ran and nearly tackled her again. Oh it was so exciting. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have had some incredible companions that I am so happy to have known and learned from and that when we see each other it really is like seeing an old friend because that's what they are such good friends forever!!!

LIGHT THE WORLD: I heard from my family that they are participating in light the world initiative, and that made my entire week! My mom handed out some cards from the local sister missionaries, they have a banner countdown and talk about it every day: what the daily service challenge is and how they are going to do it. My grandma also is participating which I am so happy about I love hearing the ways that y'all back home are serving the Lord and lighting the world. So keep it up!!!! It makes my day each time I hear about the amaxing things that you do on a daily basis. It helps me realize that my mission won't end because I can still do the same things that I love doing out here, reading my scriptures, sharing my testimony, praying for others, serving people, talking to people and doing what Christ did. That is something that Sister See has taught me. She goes home three days after Christmas but I know that she is going to continue being a missionary, continue those habits, and it isn't going to be an adjustment, it is going to be a transition, a new her in an old world.

TEMPLE TRIP: we are planning on going to the temple with a recent convert this week and we are so excited!!!! We get to go to the Columbia South Carolina temple. Helping him find 20 family names and hearing him say "I'm so excited to be baptized for my father he was my best friend." It was one of those experiences I will never forget and definitely tell my kids about in the future. This guy is a veteran who has half a foot, no knee cap, is missing some fingers and is such a stud! He began investigating the church because of a friend had in the navy he said that he was always so happy and didn't ever take part in any of the other normal weekend activities that they all would go to. When they were all hung over and hating life this guy was so happy and took care of them. It was his example over 40 years ago that lead to his conversion. So never ever EVER underestimate the power of your influence it might take 40 years but you will change lives.

It was a great week and I am so grateful for the chance to be here at this stage of life. I want to apologize that this is probably the worst group email so far in my mission. We have been running and gunning today and I haven't had any time to write. But I hope you all have a great week and a very Merry Christmas I'll talk to y'all (and see my fam next week!!!!)

Hermana Hall 

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