This week I want to share a few experiences when things: "got real..." real: exciting, humbling, frustrating, humbling, cold and humbling again.
Exciting: we were trying to follow up with a lady where we couldn't find her address so we decided to knock on one of her neighbor's doors. Mind you this was a farming community so neighbors are pretty spread out, and the house we chose to knock on was on a gorgeous piece of property and was really nice on the exterior, had an outdoor fireplace and living area out back. It was niiiice, and so often missionaries avoid going to places like this because we assume instant rejection. But that is such a stereotype, proven by this experience. We said a prayer hop out of the car and walk the rest of the driveway to the front door but didn't make it there because as we did so the residents rolled up the driveway, which always makes for a nice awkward encounter, IF you let it be! Fortunately we didn't, we were friendly and introduced ourselves and to our shock and excitement they invited us RIGHT IN! We sat down in their living room shared a little bit about our basic beliefs and a lot a bit about what we do as missionaries and the organization of our church. We instantly connected with the mother of this family, she is the sweetest little southern belle, she showed us her scrapbook room (which made me think of my mom) and their indoor theater with movie posters and really cool ceiling lights (also made me think of my mom and family:). But towards the end of our visit she talked about how we should go and visit her neighbor who is in poor health. She said that she had been meaning to go and take her a Christmas present but hadn't made it over, to which we asked if we could schedule a time to come back and go with her next week to visit the neighbor. So basically we are going on a "non-mwmbee team-up" meaning we are teaming up with a non member to go and visit another non member, if you haven't heard of that before that's ok because I haven't ever, but we are really excited about it and this family. They would be such a strength to the church and the ward here. And she has a lot of concerns with other churches because of the way they argue over points of doctrine and are set up as ways to earn money and gain popularity. Everything in me wanted to just say "WELL WE HAVE THE MESSAGE FOR YOU!" And fix all of her concerns right there, but like on of my favorite scriptures in Corinthians says we have "milk before meat" little by little we learn and understand and change. But seriously this experience was so awesome, we walked out of there just in awe of God's goodness. Because it is real... He is real... GET REAL!
Humbling: we went to go find a woman who had been met by missionaries in the past but had the flu and asked them to come back later and they never were able to get back in touch with her. We had a driveway encounter with her as well she pulled up as we walked up and she also invited us in. This woman, oh my goodness, she is incredible. So wait, back up, as she pulled up in her car she had this huge dog in the back of her car and as she got out it got out too and it was the biggest Great Dane dog I had ever seen!!!! And get this... it is a service dog. She has MS and can't walk very well but there is a program in another state that raises and trains great Danes to honestly be like a cane. She described it like he is a piece of furniture that walks around with her to keep her steady and so she doesn't have to be in a wheelchair. And she has a meals on wheels route that she goes on with him to do service for others, and pay it forward. She is so Christlike! We shared the light the world video and she was very touched by it. She is moving to florida but we were able to get her contact info and will refer it to missionaries there so they can help her move in and hopefully teach her more. It was just so amazing to see people being humbled by weakness yet allowing it to help them reach out and serve those in weakened and humble circumstances as well. Like the classic scripture in Ether 12:27 says, her weakness is now a strength to many. Listening to her and being in her presence was so humbling, definitely got real.
Frustrating: all of our baptism dates dropped this week. We've been working with two little kids who are over the age of 8 but not quite 9 and neither of them were blessed as a baby. So our Bishop turned them over to us to teach and prepare for baptism, however we learned this week that they are considered ward baptisms so they don't "count" but at the same time they do. We are going to continue to work with them regardless of whether or not it "counts" in numbers we know for a fact it counts to Heavenly Father. And we know that she will provide a way for us to continue to meet people and work with them and help them to progress towards baptism, He has a plan I know that it's real.
Humbling: we went and followed up with a bunch of people in a low income housing apartment building. There was this one woman that was probably 50 and told us about how she was an orphan and it was so heartbreaking. We were able to testify that she was a child of God so loved and aware of and that even if her earthly circumstances were hard and she felt unloved she has a Father in Heaven who loves her so much. The spirit came and it definitely got real.
Cold: This week was full of snow and bitter cold. It was so dang cold! And our poor Corolla is not equipped for the icy roads. We still were able to do work even in the snow and meet and talk with a lot of people who thought we were insane for being out. Oh well the work does not stop for snowflakes or icicles. It's pretty wild that we are having a more severe winter than back home though, I was not expecting that! Get real!
I wrote about being humbled so much because I think that is ultimately the result of when things "get real" we are reminded how small we are in the grand scheme yet how much we matter in the grand scheme as well. Cue my favorite Mosiah 4 scripture again... Mosiah 4: 5-6
When we get real and realize what really matters or more importantly who really matters, it's humbling. It's so humbling to trust people, to trust Heavenly Father to give up your will and trust in His goodness and His plan. It's a strange phenomenon because we know He is good and aware of us and that He has a plan we say that all the time, but when it comes to acting on it, we hesitate... in sacrament meeting this week non-coincidentally our Bishop talked all about Faith and Trust. Gotta love it when Heavenly Father speaks exactly and directly to your concerns with a way to fix it, and that way is usually what...? Oh yes: HUMBLING! But... I know that so much of our experiences in life test and try us and are set up for us to learn how to trust. Trust in him trust others and trust yourself. This time is a time to prepare, a time to remember, and a time to trust. It requires a humble heart and a will and desire to follow more what Heavenly Father wants for us than what we want for ourselves.
I think Abraham 3:25 says it best:
25 And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;
Proving that we will follow the Lord and His commandments is an ultimate goal of life, it requires humility and it requires trust. Many times there are situations that cause us to GET REAL. To reevaluate, and rethink, and realign ourselves with Him. It's humbling yes, but it is the way that we can become something so much more.
Stay humble and trust Him. He won't let us down.
Love y'all!
Hermana Hall

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