6:10 Hermana Olsen's alarm goes off, she turns it off, I hit the lights then jump back up on my bed say my prayers, make my bed (while sitting on it because I'm too short to make it while standing:) then hop down open my twelve days of Christmas letter from Ryan and any package from mom
6:25 start getting ready for the day, normally I just leave my hair natural but lately I've been using some heat on it to see how much time it takes
7:00 when we should be heading out the door but instead have last minute accessory needs, or makeup fixes. Esta bien, because even still we make it to breakfast before all of the Elders... go figure that one, you know you're late when girls beat you to places
7:10 walk into the comedor immediately wash hands (they have sinks everywhere and require you to wash hands before and after meals which is a big blessing and should offer mothers around the world much comfort that their children are being taught to prevent colds;) Then I always say hola to my favorite worker and amiga Hermana Bique (the one that loves my bonita nadiz or cute nose) I always eat fruit for breakfast, (putting honey on honeydew is muy bien) then if what they're offering isn't pancakes or if it looks like it should be lunch instead of breakfast I'll go for cereal as my main bfast dish. FYI for my family the cereal choices are: Special K, Bran, Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, and Chocolate Frosted Flakes. I usually get either Cheerios or Special K, I haven't eaten any of the sugar cereals yet, maybe because I know they won't be the same, or I'm trying to eat something that will sustain me until lunch, because literally time is broken up by meals here
7:30 we are still around the table with our district telling stories and laughing until we realize we should probably get to personal study time and so we wash our hands and head to our classroom in the John Taylor building (you better believe every building is named after a prophet, my personal fav is GBH Gordon B Hinkley)
7:40 personal study, I have been focusing on PMG and I've also been learning a lot about diligence. I try to think about my investigators as I study which has been really cool and eye opening experience, learning in order to strengthen not only my testimony but theirs as well
8:30 we have language study out of the famous rojo libres (red books) they are missionary based grammar lessons, it is a challenging and unique experience to learn a grammar skill and then immediately apply it in a spiritual setting, I'm getting used to it though, and it is slowly starting to stick
9:30 we teach one of our progressing investigators (our teacher) this has been such a growing experience for me, when I look back at where my comps and my lessons started just a few weeks ago to where we are now, it's amazing the growth and the spirit that has come into our lessons. The gift of tongues and the goodness of God is oh so real
10:30 we have Book of Mormon study which I love oh so much when we can all circle up and share our testimonies and gain different perspectives about the same verses. I love my district so much, I have a testimony that my mission report date is just as inspired as my actual call, I know that I am meant to learn and grow with these Elders and Hermanas they are incredible adventures of faith, and laughter, oh my goodness they crack me up!
11:00 So there is this thing called coaching which is basically when the teacher gives us some study tips, and we make goals and talk about how far we still have to go and how close we are getting ot the actual field and all feel frustrated and pressured, but esta bien
12:00 ALMUERZO (LUNCH) lunch is the most emphasized meal of the day, it is the longest time slot and the biggest meal, no cereal is available but mucho amounts of salsa, and really yummy desserts are readily available
1:00 Language study again, but this time personal study, the teacher isn't there which makes it REALLY hard to focus and have self discipline after all the stories and laughs from lunch. All the elders get really depressed after lunch because for some reason it's at around this time that they all remember that they have girlfriends and that they miss them a lot, it's super exhausting to be around but esta bien.
2:10 GYM TIME oh how I love Gym time!!!! District volleyball is the best! Calf raises and squats challenges are the best! wearing pants is the best!!!!
3:00 we have 30 minutes to prepare and chill after gym which is super nice, I usually organize my closet and choose my outfit for the next day and then just breathe and talk with my comps
3:30 we have 30 minutes of "fundamentals study" which is in our "MTC Experience Book" basically they the underlying foundations or fundamentals of how to teach and what steps are neccessary for conversion
4:00 Daily planning, we copy down our schedule for the upcoming day in our planners, talk about our upcoming lessons, decide what our shower schedule is for that night (it's muy importante) and listen to even more stories from the elders
4:30 TALL, a language program on the computer designed by BYU, most people hate it, but I like it because it gives you individualized opportunity to learn what you think is best for you while being guided by an interactive program. And you use headphones with a mic on it like a drive-through worker so that's cool, I also like hearing myself talk and pronounce words so I know how to change and learn, esta bien
5:30 CENA (dinner) is usually pretty good but sometimes it looks like they put what we had for lunch with what we had for dinner the night before and when that happens I opt out for fruit and toast, or just a salad, or cereal, LONG LIVE cereal dinners!
6:30 go back to the classroom to teach progressing investigatos (teachers) again, our district is divided into two groups so if you taught in the morning you don't teach in the night and you study as companionships and vice versa
7:30 Language lesson again more grammar, more gospel, my brain gets more and more tired but esta bien
8:30 demonstrate teaching we are paired up and apply a new studying technique or we do these drills where they put a timer with three minutes on the TV (we have a TV in the classroom that we watch episodes of "the district" and power points on) and then using the pamphlets which are so so cool by the way they convert me every time I read them... we have to teach an entire
lesson in three minutes to imitate street contacting
9:30 kneel and pray as a district and head on home laughing all the way
9:35 I usually run in and shower first, I have mastered the 7-9 minute shower and dress time esta bien
9:50 write in journal reread letters and open daily christmas advent calendar thought from mom and ornament from G&G
10:25 kneel and pray as a companionship brush teeth "try" to get to bed by 10:30 still working on that one
10:40 I pray for you all and count each one of you as my blessings thank you for your continued prayers on my behalf
Love you all to la Luna and back!!!!
Hermana Hall
Hermana Hall