Thursday, December 29, 2016

Theres No Place Like Home For The Holidays

Yes, that was the song that was playing in my mind when I woke up on Christmas morning. But before you all start thinking that I had a "Blue Christmas"  let me tell you it was a Christmas unlike any other I have exprienced so far and I am very grateful for the opportunity.
Elder Holland once said "On this Christmas I send my love to every missionary, every man or woman in the military, every student and every employee and traveler who won't "be home for Christmas" as the carol says. Keep your faith. Look for the good in your situation. Do something kind for someone. Seek Christ devoid of wrapping and tinsel. You will find that despite external circumstances Christmas -like the kingdom of God- 'is within you'(Luke 17:21)."
One of the CCM counselors here (who all our Elders nickname "Presidente Savaje" (President Savage) and is almost as bad cop as Dad) further said, "For the next 18 or 24 months, every day will be Christmas, because you will be giving the gift, and sharing the love of Christ every day... May you carry the Spirit of Christmas with you every day, and strive to be better, more obedient, and true disciples of Him."
This really hit home for me because my Christmas didn't really feel all that different than any other day here at the CCM... and not just because our Christmas breakfast was literally a ham and cheese sandwich. (the Elders were really upset about it until I told them they should go get a plate of eggs and make it an egg ham and cheese sandwich...) but back to the point, I think that my Christmas didn't feel like a normal Christmas because it's not normal... I'd like to think that I'm living Christmas every day.
That being said the CCM does try it's best to make it special, and I honestly love when Christmas falls on a Sunday. Christmas Church is the best, and CCM Christmas Church is no exception. For sacrament we combined probably 4 branches and the meeting consisted of reading the story of Christ's birth in Matthew 2 and Luke 1 & 2 and singing Christmas hymns in between. It was a really spiritual and uplifting meeting. We also attended a devotional broadcasted from Provo with Dallin H Oaks as the featured speaker it was really refreshing, 1- because I love apostles and 2- because it was in English. After the devotional, for lunch the cooks made honey baked ham, with mashed potatoes, some sort of cheese/flan cake and carrot soup, it was much better than breakfast and definitely got the Elders approval.
After lunch it was time to call families, ay ay ay that was tough!!!! It was so exciting, but I lost it almost immediately when dad picked up the phone. Oh and all my Spanish went out the window when they asked me to bear my testimony so I promise I can speak a little better than what they probably heard, but esta bien. They made sure to tell me that I have so much love, support, and prayers headed my way from Utah and I want to thank each and every one of you for them, I not only need that strength but I can also feel it. The blessings of God are so real, He is so good. I hope that all of us can look around and see the hand of God in our lives and feel the Savior's love for us each and every day. I know that Christ was born in a humble place that He lived a perfectly humble life, and He died in complete humility. I  also know that He lives again and that when He returns all the world will know of His greatness and majesty. That is why I am here, to help prepare the people of Knoxville for His coming.
Which reminds me!!!! I head out of here on January 3!!!! How crazy is that?! Time actually passed!!! Not going to lie there were times I doubted 6 weeks really would go by but here they are ticking away, and I'm going to Tennessee! I am the trip leader for me and two elders, which means I have to report to the reception office on Tuesday morning at 3:00 IN THE MORNING!!!! But wait it get's better: one of my companeras has to be there at 2:00 am... so long story short  I'll be up and at em' dark and early on Tuesday so think of me in your dreams as you sleep warm and cozy in your beds.... Oh well, I did sign up for this didn't I? BUT AY CARUMBA I AM SO EXCITED TO GET TO KNOXVILLE!!!!! On one hand it doesn't really seem real, it kind of seems like I'll live out my life here at the CCM.... which isn't true but it's a surreal feeling, almost like I'm leaving on a mission all over again. However as much as I am heartbroken at the prospect of leaving my beloved Districto 6B I am so excited to get to Knoxville in all its 23 degree Fahrenheit glory!!!
So wow, after ALL of that I still think there's "no place like home for the holidays" but the home I'm talking about is the home I have made here in Mexico. It is a new kind of home, surrounded by a new kind of family that I am so very grateful for.
Please remember I am so grateful for each of you back home home in Utah,
Best wishes and a Happy New Year to all!!!!!
Hermana Hall
Hermana Hall

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