First up, is a woman that I have mentioned before who has a husband going through some immense health problems and who is down not only in health but also in spirit. This woman and her husband are both members of our ward and for the past few weeks we have been going over once a week to help out on their farm. We actually went a twice this week... the first time we tore out more blackberry bushes along a fence line, which we have done before. However this time was even more exciting because instead of just loading up the briers in the bed of the truck and taking them to their burn pile we actually got to start the pile on fire and it was SO great! She even brought out s'more ingredients and we roasted s'mores over a bonfire. So fun! I'm finding that farm life is inspiring with plenty of good hard work, it's rewarding really. But this woman exemplifies inspiration and goodness by the life she lives and perspective she has. She frequently travels between Tennessee and Florida coaching a dairy farming team at a University down there. She is also the primary caregiver of her sickly husband, is maintaining their farm, AND still manages to continue to amaze us as she reaches out to many of the ward's widows as well as those she visit teaches. Every week, no matter what she is going through herself she is constantly reaching out. She has become one of my heroes. So like I was saying she first had us come help out clearing fence lines and then we came back a second time to help with none other than: castrating goats. MMMHMMM you read that right! I don't remember reading that as a part of my mission call but all I can say is: "Only in Tennessee!" Oh to have a video of Hermana Jacobson (who had never been on a true farm before) in the barn tackling goats and holding them for their sweet neighbor (who is a nonmember) to "band" while I was the syringe nurse, and gatekeeper. I would fill the syringe with antibiotics and bring it over to be given to the goats and then also make sure the gate stayed shut and when they were done I'd let them out and help make sure they were corraled. (I have no idea if this is even making sense I guess it was a had to be there thing) it was such an experience though, towards the end their neighbor looked at me and was like "alright girl you are a virgin goat catcher, git in there and catch yourself a goat" So I did! Ohhhh my goodness I so hope this is as entertaining reading as it is typing up, so many memories I love so much!!! We were able to have dinner at their home with their nonmember neighbor present, we shared with him the Prince of Peace video and talked a lot about forgiveness and peace. It was a solid lesson and he is a good good man. Hardworking, faithful in Christ, honest, imperfect, but continuing to become better. There are good people here.
Next, weekly we volunteer at a Food Pantry and help restock shelves with donation deliveries from local grocery stores. We showed the Prince of Peace video with the volunteers there and one man that manages the facility invited us to come have lunch at his church the next day. We agreed and went. First of all, it was so exciting to walk into that assembly hall and see a lot of familiar faces that we recognized from tracting!!! Personally I was NOT expecting that, but Heavenly Father is so good and loves helping paths cross, I am completely convinced of that. Second of all, we were able to sit and eat and chat with people of many different denominations, what the lunch was is a "Holy Week Lunch" each day leading to Easter a different local church comes in and makes a lunch meal the gathering place was this specific building but the people in attendance didn't necessarily all go there. But we got to know some new people and listened to a sermon relating Christ to Sweet Tea (this is after the fact that we got called out for obviously not being from here since we asked if we could have water instead of tea:) my earlier comment still stands: "Only in Tennessee!" But I'm not kidding y'all there are so many good people out here, the spirit of community is incredible and there is a lot of service that goes on. Yes there is a lot of insincerity, a lot of poverty, and to be blunt: a lot of drugs. But there is a lot of goodness and a WHOLE HEAPING LOAD OF FAITH! So much faith in Christ it inspires me daily to increase my faith. One more cool thing about this experience was being able to listen to some of their hymns one of which was none other than a personal family favorite: "The Old Rugged Cross" such a sweet tender mercy and really powerful. Once again, there is a lot of goodness in the world. There are good people here.
Finally, as we have been doing large amounts of knocking on doors sharing the Prince of Peace message there have been several times when we have been welcomed in because people "appreciate what we are doing" they sympathize that it would be brutal to be out in the increasing heat and humidity knocking on doors, getting them slammed in our faces, all while being a thousand miles away from home, trying to invite people closer to Christ. These people are so kind. We have had a man who was uninterested go to his garage and give us Powerades. Such a good man. Another woman has a best friend who is LDS, she is set in her Baptist beliefs but adores her friend and our church and the service we are doing and wanted to say a prayer with us, we gathered in prayer holding hands on her front porch and she offered a humbling and uplifting prayer. Such a good woman. Another couple allowed us to come and share our message even though they had just gotten back from the doctor because their son had strep, (yeah maybe wished we could've known that a tiny bit sooner but oh well that's what hand sanitizer is for;) they too admired our willingness to serve the Lord and invite people closer to Him. Such a good family. While making a visit to a local nursing home we shared the Prince of Peace with the landscaping crew across the parking lot, they were so friendly and complimentary to us and couldn't believe that our "mommies and daddies would allow us 19 year old young'uns to come out here for 18 months" they asked us how they could do that and my reply was: "through support and many prayers" I again for thank y'all for your continued prayers I truly need them and am grateful for them! But there again such a good group of guys. There are good people here.
My list could go on and on, but for the icing on the cake the last person I want to talk about is the greatest man of all. Our older brother, Jesus Christ. He is our Prince of Peace. He is our ultimate source of goodness. And though that song I mentioned at the beginning says "where'd all the good people go?" we know "where He has gone." In the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, and the words of modern day prophets we can read of: the prophesies of His coming, His birth, His ministry, His life, His suffering, His Atonement, His death, His resurrection, His continued life, His church, His guidance, His will, and His character. I am striving to come closer to Him than I ever have before. That is my ultimate mission goal: To become closer to my Savior than ever before, and to help others do the same as I do so. I love Tennessee (most days) I love my Savior (always) I know this is His restored church (more each day) and I am so eternally grateful for the love and support that comes my way from y'all back home (each and every day)
Hope you had a fabulous Easter!
If you ever wonder "Where'd all the good people go?" I'd invite you to look around you because they are there, and also look in the mirror because there is one staring back at you!
Love y'all and have a blessed week!
Hermana Hall

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