As this weekend was Father's Day weekend I would like to share an experience I had with my dad two weeks ago. I had shared with him a portion of a talk by President Monson about prayers with his son while hunting. I had found it very fitting for my dad and sent it to him with the invitation that, that night we would choose a time and kneel down "together" and say a prayer. We chose 9:30 my time, 8:30 his time because he was in Missouri on a business trip. Let me tell y'all it was the sweetest experience. The moment I knelt down I just smiled and felt so at peace. Picturing him kneeling down beside his hotel room bed praying was so amazing. It was an experience I'll never forget. That's what I want to write about this week, experiences I never ever ever want to forget. One of my favorite things about my dad (other than his work ethic, sense of humor, passion for hunting, involvement in our lives, good advice, tough love, bad cop side, contagious laugh, soft side, testimony, love for his family, fact that he's my buddy... just to name a few) is that when he writes me letters over the years for girls camps, school lunches, trek, and currently while I've been out serving, he always writes "Never ever ever EVER forget I love you" and I don't, I never forget it or doubt it. His love is like our Father in Heaven's love, it is simply always there. I am grateful to both of them for sending me to the Tennessee Knoxville mission to serve the good people here and allowing me to have many experiences that I truly never want to forget!
I never want to forget the lesson we had in a sweet man's front yard. We had stopped by two weeks prior due to a request from a less active. This man was kind enough... he had talked to us about his garden, his wife who left him, his turtle dinner, his family, and most importantly his faith, and he has a whole lot of it. Well this week he was sitting by himself in his front yard under a golden drop tree and we got out of the car and began talking with him. Many times I find myself sneaking in the Book of Mormon during lessons, this time was different however, and so much better. I went straight into it and began sharing Alma 32 about seeds of faith comparing it to Matthew 13 in the Bible about the parable of the sower. As we continued in discussion he testified of the power of prayer in his life and how he has seen many miracles that he normally doesn't share, but he did with us... and they are miraculous events. He began describing feeling the Holy Spirit, and Hermana Jacboson asked him when he has felt that. He said he was feeling it right then. He was feeling what he coined a "Holy Hug" which I absolutely LOVE! Feeling the spirit, for me, is exactly like receiving a hug, a holy hug. We extended him an invitation to read the Book of Mormon and also shared what we had just shared with his less active friend about the Brother of Jared and giving stones and becoming a source of light. As he accepted it he started to say "Well somewhere in the Bible it says..." I stood and braced myself to hear him say "that the word of God cannot be added to or taken away from" but hallelujah he instead said "that there are more books that testify of Christ." WHAT THE?!?!? I admit I have no idea where it says that or what version it says that but it is true!!!! He accepted it and said he would read it. We closed in prayer and as I was saying the prayer the words "bless his wife wherever she may be" came tumbling out of my mouth. I could feel Jacobson cringe because his wife left him... I knew she thought I forgot. But as I closed the prayer this sweet man looked up at us with tears in his eyes and said "Thank you, thank you so much, come back anytime, you are always welcome." As we shook his hand and walked to the car and pulled away he was flipping through the Book of Mormon. Ah! It was so amazing, I never ever EVER want to forget that experience!
I never ever want to forget how sweet my Rockwood family has been when they hear the news I'm leaving Rockwood and headed to Poplar Creek this Wednesday! One Brother in the ward gave me parting advice in the form of Galations 2:20 and bore his testimony to me about having Christ in his life and the importance of having Him in mine. Another brother told me that he promised he didn't pray that I'd get sent away, only that I'd stub my toe. He thought he was joking but that had actually come true in a horrid and gory way a week ago, email my mom if you're curious and want more details... yuck. But I really have received so many hugs, gifts, thank you's, tears, and requests to have us over one more time before transfers on Wednesday. I feel like I'm leaving home all over again and it is extremely bittersweet.
Speaking of bittersweet I will never forget receiving an email yesterday on Father's Day that my sweet grandpa, or as they call them here in Tennessee "Papaw" passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon. My mom was able to be there and shared with me that she knew it was coming and that it was an extremely spiritual experience to be there as he "slipped into eternity." (President Monson) Once more I was again comforted by my knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and that though I am far from my family and long to be there I am comforted knowing that I have prayer at any time and I have modern day technology to send videos, and receive emails. My sweet companion when she expressed her condolences shared that the way she sees it I just I got another companion. It felt appropriate that yesterday on a day to honor fathers Heavenly Father called an incredible man back home. He always called me his missionary girl and that's what I'll continue to be. I'm so grateful I can share the knowledge I have of the perfect plan God has for each one of us. He wants us home and through His son we will get there, I am so grateful for this knowledge, it brings me so much peace.
These are just a few of MANY experiences I have had and will I'm sure continue to have that will build my testimony, test my strength, stretch my abilities, polish out my flaws, and cause further repentance to occur in my life. I truly cannot imagine my life without the experiences I'm having out here. I look forward to more and know I will never ever ever EVER forget that I am loved and learning to love like never before.
I love y'all and wish you a blessed and peaceful week!
Hermana Hall

Deer Venison I cooked in the crock pot!

Change is inevitable... Hermana Jacobsen stays in Rockwood, Hermana Hall
moving to Poplar Creek. Both will be training!!!!

THIS JUST IN!!!!! Training Sister Mercedes Allen, a Davis Dart Golf Team Buddy!!!! So cool!!! Tear up Poplar Creek DARTS!!!!

Deer Venison I cooked in the crock pot!

Change is inevitable... Hermana Jacobsen stays in Rockwood, Hermana Hall
moving to Poplar Creek. Both will be training!!!!

THIS JUST IN!!!!! Training Sister Mercedes Allen, a Davis Dart Golf Team Buddy!!!! So cool!!! Tear up Poplar Creek DARTS!!!!
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