So training a new missionary has by and large been the most Christlike thing I have ever done. Truly. And I mean that in the greatest way. It couldn't have come at a better time in my mission, because I had come to a point when I needed to stop thinking so much about myself. Heavenly Father knew it was time for me to take a break from worrying about all I was doing and/or not doing and the changes I was making and lessons I was learning. He knew it was time that I teach and share my experiences with someone else. Someone whose shoes I had been in 6 months prior. Feeling like a deer in the headlights thinking "What have I just gotten myself into?" He trusted that I could do that, that I had enough experience to pass on and enough confidence to take on a new area, a new missionary, and a new start... all while whitewashing. A completely clean slate. I remember laying in my bed later that first week, and realizing that more than ever before in my mission but more importantly my LIFE I was not thinking about myself! I wasn't thinking so much about home, about friends, about things I was missing, I wasn't thinking about my insecurities or my flaws, I wasn't worried about not making progress I wanted. I was more worried and concerned about my companion across the room. My heart went out to her as she went through many of the same stages I did. Frustration, trials of faith, lack of confidence, misunderstanding, trouble relating, asking for patience, pleading for strength, homesickness, fear of the unknown, worries for the future, etc. And on top of that we were both at ground zero in this area. We had no idea where we were. No idea which way was North (to be honest I'm still not sure... sorry dad, hate to disappoint you but my internal compass is nonexistent). We didn't know anyone or anything about anything... except for the gospel. And that's where we started... from where we were at, with what we did know. We took what we knew and applied it to our situation. We went over the ward list and map and made visits "nearby." Looking back they were so all over the place it's a wonder we had enough miles for the month. We jumped right into the work (and really worked) and just invited and bore testimony... simple and sweet as that. But because of that we have seen miracles. We have seen a run down area that hasn't seen a baptism in 18 months have one 2 days ago. We have seen a ward that doesn't know 3/4 of the names on the roster start to reach out and help out. We have seen people change, people repent and people come unto Christ. And the most remarkable part is we've done the same. We've changed we have repented and we have come closer to Christ. So yeah the experience of mine the last 12 weeks has been the most Christlike yet because I've begun to lose myself more fully and yet find myself more deeply. Christ's promise is so real "Whosoever will lose (her) life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 16:25) I've learned more about myself and more about Him by working and doing than ever before. It's remarkable.
Ok so now let me gush about this "new missionary" that I've spent the last 80 days with. Merc. My homegirl, my literal homegirl, from Kaysville Utah. What a small world. God is so good, and I know that it is no coincidence that we had CTE (home ec) and a computer design class our 7th grade year of Junior High. No coincidence that we played on the Davis High Golf team together for four years, had the same Human Bio class our sophomore year, and English, and chemisty class our junior year. And then now find ourselves as companions in the Tennessee Knoxville Mission. It's no coincidence because THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!!!! Aw man if I had a quarter for everytime I've said that these past two transfers... I'd have a bunch of quarters. That's been the "theme" of our companionship I guess you could say... well that and "Where are we?" Whenever something weird happens... like when we had to run out to the car late at night and we opened the door to see a man with a ponytail riding one of those old fashioned bicycles down the road in the pitch black... and I'm talking those OLD fashioned bikes!! The ones with the huge front wheel and tiny back one??? Yeah those! But anyway, our mission president made it clear when he came into the mission that we all agreed to be here before we ever came to this earth. He emphasized that we are foreordained to be here, and to be here in the companionships that we are... so that means that I promised Allen long ago that I would be her trainer and her companion in the great TKM. And I promised I'd be worthy and accept the call to make it out here. And she did the same. And boy am I grateful! Because she has taught me so much. Three things specifically jump instantly to mind that I'd like to share and then I'll give the play by play of the week.
Charity: there was this one day talking to this one man for over two hours. Sister Allen got in the car afterwards and was pretty quiet and then the next morning shared something with me that changed my life and my outlook on people and my Savior. She said "I sat and listened to him tell all about his life and the struggles he has had... And I asked myself: would I be willing to go through all of that in order for him to become more like God? Because that is Christlike love and if I'm not willing to do that, than I am doing something wrong... And need to change and be better."
Let THAT sink in for a minute...
And then let me ask you who is training who?
She is amazing.
Fasting: during a frustrated phase of missionary work one week we were pulled over to the side of the road, exhausted, dripping in sweat, and frustrated. I was at a loss at how to be honest that I was not enjoying the day yet positive that it would be better. It was then that Sister Allen recommended we fast... so we did that next day. For an entire 24 hours. We woke up in the middle of the night both thinking we were going to die of thirst, but we didn't. Then a week later as a result of this fast we had an investigator contact us through requesting a Book of Mormon online... this investigator just got baptized. More to come on him later.
...Let me ask you, who is training who?
Not giving up: in talking about less actives (a topic in which I get very fired up about, just ask our ward council, and our relief society... :) Sister Allen pointed out that there comes a point when you "give up" on someone that they realize they've been given up on. And no matter how hardened their heart that has to sting... And I don't ever want people to feel that, let's be more persistent than Avon ladies people! Give and serve as much as people will accept. And then pray. Pray, pray, pray.
...let me ask you, who's training who?
Alright here's the rundown of our week, well the highlights I guess... I'm starting to understand the Book of Mormon writers when they say "not even a tenth part could be written"
MONDAY: taught two lessons during pday hours. Both very effective and worth the time. "Find when you reach, teach when you find." Even among members. Then we did a bunch of tracting even though it was the first UT game of the season... to say nobody wanted to talk to us, is a humongous understatement.
TUESDAY: POURED RAIN. Had an uncomfortable dinner appointment, I don't know what made it so awkward but it was... No me gusta. But finally got into contact with a girl who has been taught by missionaries a lot in the past but then lost contact. However she liked us and wants to continue... score!!!
WEDNESDAY: tracted, had a lesson with our investigator on date, the Book of Mormon referral and "Golden Boy" investigator. He passed his baptismal interview which was great. Also had a random turn of events where I met a Spanish guy who had met missionaries in Alabama and wanted to come to church. So we got him the local church address and missionaries number and got them a referral! Wahoo!!!
THURSDAY: we met this woman who had a few questions about the life after death, the moment Sister Allen said "spirit world" this woman shot up from her seat and said "YES, YES THAT MAKES SENSE! OH I KNOW THIS IS TRUE!" it was amazing to watch the gospel click in her mind and her heart. I love being a missionary. Then... miracle round 8,465... our beloved less active neighbor said he knew he needed to take the sacrament and that he would try to make it this Sunday!!!!!! He didn't make it but next one he will I just know it!!!!!
FRIDAY: said farewell to my wonderful friends at Habitat for Humanity. That was a heart wrencher... I'm definitely taking my family back there when we come tour the mission. They gotta meet my buddies there, and I have to see if some of the things I sorted and put on shelves ever sell. Such as the the lovely book ends of the bust of Christ and Mary, the Led Zepplin cassette tape collection, and the ancient crutches that Tiny Tim once used. Yep I'll definitely be back there someday.

SATURDAY: Our golden boy got baptized!!!!! And his non member family was there to witness it, his parents and sweet Nanny (grandma) were all in attendance. It was an event of the year, people kept coming and coming and more and more chairs were set out. It was a missionary's dream. Sister Allen and I spoke about the fourth article of faith and our ward mission leader gave an amazing talk on the Holy Ghost. Then we saw the ordinance be performed and felt the spirit thick in the room as two Elders we work closely with presented the message of the Restoration while we waited for them to get changed. Afterwards our newly baptized convert got up and shared his testimony. Short, sweet, and emotional. "I never imagined myself here, and I never imagined myself so happy..." Me too brother, me too. I understand more than I can express the important point that missionary success isn't measured by baptisms. THERE are so many roles that play into labor in the vineyard whether it be planting seeds, tilling, digging, or harvesting, and sometimes... I'm just going to say it, sometimes it is just straight up dunging! But I would be remissed if I didn't express my gratitude for the opportunity Heavenly Father gave Sister Allen and I, to teach this man and help him enter the gait, and guide him as he begins this journey. The first step being faith and the first ordinance being baptized. I am so excited to see what the future holds for him. We set a temple date for him to receive his endowments on September 15 of 2018. He hopefully will go to the temple ASAP, we wanted to go tomorrow but logistically that just wasn't happening. Out of state temples aren't like Utah temples open almost all day almost every day... boo. Either way whether I'm there or not he is going to the temple and it will be amazing! I'm so grateful to have worked with him!

SUNDAY: 2 of the 4 people that said they'd come to church didn't... boo. But the primary made up for that disappointment by giving us the sweetest and most hilarious program I've seen in a long old time. It never ceases to amaze me the power of a testimony of a child as well as how incredible the principles of the restored gospel are, at any and every stage of life. It's those basics that change people's lives.
Well that's a wrap. I love the experiences I've had, the memories I've made, the people I've met, and the faith I've tried, tested, and proven. I'm so grateful for the trust my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ have in me and for the opportunity for further light and knowledge that awaits me.
I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to have served in Poplar Creek with Sister Allen.
Just heavenly happenings...
His arm is stretched out still.
Mack and Merc signing off... for now.
Hermana Mack Hall

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