I talk about it all of the time but seriously I have learned SO much about repentance. I feel like on a mission you relearn the Gospel all over again and sometimes things click in ways they never before have. That is how repentance has been for me. As I reflect back before my mission I think I knew what it was and that I was pretty decent about being repentant. Yet in no way was I where I am now. I have learned that all repentance is is change. Even desiring to be better is the beginning stages of repentance. Saying "I am going to be better tomorrow," or "I'm going to stop doing that today..." hello, that is repentance. But probably the most amazing thing about it is not only have I learned more about it I have SEEN repentance take place. I've seen it in myself changing and relying more on my Savior as I desire and strive to see as He saw, teach as He taught, love as He loved, and walk as He walked. But also I've seen it in others... In the man who did a 180 from not knowing if God existed to praying and reading the Book of Mormon every day. I even saw it just yesterday as I watched a man pass me the sacrament and noticed the "Plankton" (from spongebob) tattoo on his forearm... it was the most beautiful thing! THAT right there my friends is repentance. It is glorious, I love it. It is one of God's greatest gifts, the ability to change... made possible by His Son, who IS the greatest gift to us.
Ok so I read a quote from Gordon B. Hinkley that says "what a marvelous and wonderful thing is prayer," oh how I agree and know that to be true!!!! Prayer is real, it is wonderful and it is my go to. I am so grateful for its power and availability. It connects us to heaven any time, any place. I have also learned over and over the importance of asking questions. This whole restored gospel began with a question. How incredible is that?! I have experienced firsthand my prayers and questions be answered. Just this weekend I compiled a list of not 1, not 10, but 16 questions. 16! (16 stones Ether 3:1;) Questions that I thought about and prayed about and took with me to the women's session of conference. And many them I would say probably half, were addressed. Not spelled out, but pretty darn close. Not in ways I expected but in ways the Lord intended. For example question number 1: how can I be less hard on myself? So there was an overwhelming theme of self-worth and divine nature, and President Uchtdorf literally said: "If you find yourself worrying about what other people say about you, may I suggest this antidote: remember who you are. Remember that you are of the royal house of the kingdom of God, children of Heavenly Parents, who reign throughout the universe."
So you see, prayers and questions are answered every day if you approach Him with faith and effort.
Oh boy... watch out, I'm climbing up on my soapbox... wheuf, Ok, deep breath... I Could someone PLEASE explain to me why people can live in shacks but still have a smart phone and a yappy dog that requires expensive food and maintenance? While you are at it also explain why people are willing to drive clear into town to go shopping or to an appointment but aren't willing to drive the same distance or less to do their visiting or home teaching? OR (and this one really irks me) why do people say "I can't stand it when people are hypocritical and judge me when I go to church" Um excuse me let me go get my mirror... dont tell me you don't do the same thing to people you see! I know I am guilty of being a hypocrite and judging unrighteouslu at times... aren't we all?! Are we not all sinners?! Ok... But I'm really not trying to be judgmental though and call people out... really I'm not. I understand there is more behind what I can see, and I need to cast the beam in my own eye. But c'mon people I have learned so much about priorities and perspective. And it honestly makes me question, what things do I do in my life that people from the cheap seats think "What in the world is she doing?" That makes no sense!" All I can say is the best priority is Christ and the best perspective is also Christ. Everything falls into place when He is the center and we can find the help we seek by looking to Him instead of what is popular or offered by the world.
I am going to keep this brief. Marjorie Pay Hinkley I think is who said it best: "be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about" I have a unique opportunity to hear a lot about those battles and let me tell you, I would have never guessed a lot of them, and never wanted to hear or see the pain in people's eyes and face as they share. It has been so humbling to witness how many horrible things go on in people's lives yet at the same time what a blessing it is to testify that no matter what those challenges and concerns may be the Savior and His teachings, the Gospel, will help them. It WILL. Guaranteed.
I saw my first commercial car lot this week that was all grass, a huge mowed field with cars displayed all over it and big stadium lights illuminating it. Only in Tennessee is there enough greenage and rain to maintain a display like that. It's pretty cool I love all the green here. Besides that recently I came across something that I wrote in my preach my gospel: "be a greenie your entire mission"
EVERY day I learn that more and more. He has a total plan, a plan for all, called the Plan of Salvation. But He also has individual plans for each one of us, catered to our needs, supported by our faith, and lead by our Savior. Too many evidences of this have been shown to me that I cannot deny God really does have a perfect plan.
There aren't. I dont believe in coincidences. There is no way it was happenstance that we showed up to visit a less active and it was the complete wrong address and yet we met a son of a preacher taught him about the restoration got a return appt and committed him to coming to our church, Christ's church. Nope, no coincidence.
Look it up. Where light is darkness cannot overcome. Scientifically and spiritually light overpowers darkness. Every time. In nature and in lives I have seen it in my own and those I have met. A little more light is a lot less darkness.
People say, I found Christ, well me too, in the scriptures. He is there all over, bible book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price. He is in modern scripture of general conference and my personal scripture of my patriarchal blessing.
Ok I have learned so much from her. She has taught me that every person has potential. Every single one. She has been through a lot, overcome a lot, and is really strong. She works hard, loves big and has a strong testimony. She is a spiritual giant to her family. And knows a lot about the area, zone, and sisters around us. Which I'm so grateful for. Together this week we found 23 new investigators. Sometimes I wonder if I'm still in the south. It's pretty incredible. Also we taught two Spanish guys and got return appointments!!!! Things are on fire here and I'm so excited to be here and keep learning. We have a chance to go on exchanges with a lot of the surrounding sisters which is a cool opportunity to meet more of the missionaries and learn from them and also help them. It's like having a mini companionship or temporary companionship which I was really nervous for at first but turned out to be so awesome. I had some really amazing experiences and am just really so grateful to be right here right now.
Love y'all!!!!
Keep on watching and learning!!!
Have a blessed week!!!!
Hermana Hall
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