In response the Master our Savior Jesus Christ answered saying, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and GREAT commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
This isn't just a story, Christ Himself said during His life on earth that love is the greatest commandment.
It is also the greatest motivator, the greatest source of joy, the greatest need, the greatest desire, the greatest cure, the greatest source of peace.
Love I've found is the GREATEST ANSWER!
♡ That lady that has you wash 100 chairs for an upcoming event while she kicks back and eats fritos and cottage cheese? LOVE HER!
♡The guy that "balls hard" with the elders and has a collection of restoration pamphlets that have never been read? LOVE HIM!
♡The guy we found while looking for another investigator that says "yeah I always wanna learn more about God"? LOVE HIM!
♡The elderly woman that wants to talk more about her sweet family and biscuits and grits than the gospel? LOVE HER!
♡The family that has a different excuse for not meeting with us every time we call and/or drop by? LOVE THEM!
♡The Elders that can be more annoying than your little brother ever was?LOVE THEM!
♡That woman that is a bossy cow and wants to be your mission mama and receive your wedding announcement one day? LOVE HER!
♡The family that makes you tacos every Tuesday? LOVE THEM!
♡The guy that you hike up a muddy hill through the forest of backwoods Tennessee in the rain to go see and the door remains closed? LOVE HIM!
♡The woman that is as outspoken as I'll get at and says "see this face it can get away with anythin"? LOVE HER!
♡That lady that asks you to help her open the coffee creamer? (awkward I know, we were helping out at the new art studio grand opening that some ward members are involved with) LOVE HER!
♡My companion who leads by example and makes me laugh my guts out? LOVE HER!
♡The office sister missionary who comes and inspects our house and sees all the dang good work we have done (we seriously put the WASH in whiteWASH) and gives us the "celestial housing" rating and candy? LOVE HER!
♡That man when told your comp doesn't feel well says "let me know if we can put her on the prayer chain"? (very southern thing) LOVE HIM!
♡The man that answers the door and you can see the roof inside his house is falling in and he doesn't want to hear what you have to say but does want two dollars? LOVE HIM!
♡The man that opens the door with a cigarette tucked behind his ear? LOVE HIM!
♡The man that has no teeth and kind of looks like he has some algae growing on his face and is too busy for religion? LOVE HIM!
♡The woman that has a bit of a beard? LOVE HER!
♡ The woman that feeds you dinner with her food stamp money and then has you feel her head where her metal skull plate is? LOVE HER!
♡ The Bishop that calls three people to come up and share their conversion stories in sacrament meeting and which then creates a spirit that is undeniable? LOVE HIM!
♡The woman we visited whose husband is going through dialysis and we inspire her to do missionary work and she brings a less active friend with her to church? LOVE HER!
♡The woman that sobs all throughout the addiction recovery program and says it is an answer to her prayers? LOVE HER!
♡The woman that texts you and your companion and says "I love you both. Thank you for your sacrifice and service. I understand it is hard being far away from your family and friends back home and your life there. But the difference you make here has the power to impact the eternal progress of families and generations." LOVE HER!
One of my goals and prayers upon arriving in Tennessee was that I would fall in love with the land and the people, it's been 6 weeks, it's been a roller coaster of emotions, feelings and experiences, but there are moments when I realize I am in the middle of this process of falling in love with Tennessee. I love it here, I really do. Do I miss my family? Absolutely! Do I miss my friends? Of course! Do I miss going on dates, adventures, the temple, smoothie runs, movies, driving, skiing, golfing, hanging out, taking a nap? You better believe I do! But those things will be there when I get home, the ability to go knock on someone random person's door and share a message, to receive inspiration and referrals on who to visit, to live in this state and experience serving all day every day, that's only going to last 18 months, well now almost 15 left... and so I'm realizing I want to make the most of every day, and love it more and more!
The song "Love One Another" has been on my mind a lot, I especially love listening to Mindy Gledhill's version that is in both English and Spanish. I have such a testimony that love is the greatest commandment and it is the greatest answer. I would encourage you to look at your life and see how you can better love someone in it, and then act. Do it. NOW! And remember that "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40)
So go hug your fam, hug my fam because I can't, serve someone, smile more, share your testimony, think kinder thoughts, answer with love, knowing that showing love to others ultimately shows love to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ who are the greatest examples of love.
Hermana Hall
If you haven't seen this watch it, and look for three of my favorite scenes: the down syndrome girl running into her dad's arms, the old man kissing his wife's cheek, and the little girl putting a bandaid on her little brother's knee. HEART MELT!!!!! Spread the love y'all it's always always always the greatest answer!

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