After watching this video in Ward Council and having a later discussion on it in a fifth Sunday meeting Sister See and I prayerfully considered how we could apply this principle into our own work efforts and area of Greeneville, TN. We both felt prompted that the Lord needed us to simplify and focus our efforts. You see previous to this we had had 9 people on date for baptism, but only one or two would come to church. We were pulling in 10 investigators weekly but they would pile up and not be seen again for weeks or months. We were swamped with people and nothing was moving. (Now I know that this is an excellent problem to have, more people than we know what to do with I see that I promise) but nothing was happening and so the Lord stepped in and within one week 7 of those investigators who were preparing to be baptized or maybe not really preparing but accepted a baptsimal date they either told us they weren't interested (dropped us) or stopped responding to our efforts to follow up with them (so we dropped them). Which means our grand total of people preparing for baptism went down to 2. It was evident that once again it's not about numbers, it's about His children. We are deciding to FOCUS in on the members and have more of them coming on team-up lesson appointments with us and having them invite the investigators to church. And we have simplified our goal for new investigators to 7, one a day, but it is a minimum of 7 a week. Already we have been so blessed as we have done this. The amount of stress I had been carrying around trying to manage all the chaos of too many people has begun to melt away. I have SUCH a testimony of simplifying and focusing. It is the Lord's way. He works simply and is focused on individuals. I absolutely love it.
Ok onto the next soapbox...
We were able to go and serve meals for those in need on Thanksgiving day at a local church. Members of many local congregations and denominations gather together yearly to donate, deliver and assemble meals to those in need across Greene County. It was amazing to be a part of. Sister See and I dipped gravy into Styrofoam cups for almost three hours and I made it out of there with only a few minor burns that didn't end up blistering sooo definitely blessed:). We met some nice local southern women who talked to us alllll about their families, their faith, and their southern upbringing. Turns out later we found that one of the women we worked with is the mother of one of our investigators. It's a small world out here lemme tell ya! But it was SUCH a great way to kick off our Thanksgiving Day! I absolutely loved it! I want to continue making service a part of my Thanksgiving Day as I think about the future Thanksgivings I'll have. It's also amazing because the "Just Serve" program the church has implemented can help service opportunities become available literally at our fingertips. I love the feeling of reaching out and helping others rather than reaching inward and helping ourselves, it really is Christlike to give and to serve, and it is Christ who taught "it is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35. After service we were able to go to two member families homes for actual dinner, they both had nonmember family present and it was great to be able to talk to them and to feel at home with a newfound family away from my own. I love the way the gospel unites people of all types and backgrounds, ages and stages. And you know what made me so excited to see at both of the houses we went to? GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE! Yup Mom you read that right, I'm sure 10 years ago you would've never guessed that I would be so excited to pile that on my plate, well missions do crazy things to your mind, heart, and stomach apparently;)
Alright finally to wrap up I want to share a little bit about the Christmas Initiative going on in the Church right now. I hope y'all have heard about it! It's called "Light the World" and it is POWERFUL!!! We have been sharing it with all that we see. And we have had some cool experiences with it. I'd like to share two. One of which happened today!
#1 We were asked to come share about missionary work in primary because their theme this month is "I Can Choose To Be A Missionary Now!" We discussed what we could do to involve the kids and not have it be the standard, do the basics to prepare: read scriptures, pray, keep the commandments, go to church. Which is so true, we need to do that and it is the best way to prepare. BUT, we decided to take a little different approach. We showed them the light the world video. And they loved it! We asked them what their favorite part was and they said, "Jesus!" Then we asked if each of the oldest member of each of their families would come up and we gave each one of them a pass-along card. We told them that they can be a missionary right now as they take this card and talk to their families about who to give it to. We asked them who they thought they could give it to and their answers blew me away: "My nephews who don't come to church!" "My next door neighbor!" "My friend at school!" "My cousin!" These kids are so missionary minded, oh my goodness! It took me back to my primary teaching days before I left on my mission, oh how I truly loved primary, they tried my patience but they also warmed my heart. Ugh I love little kids they truly do light the world!!!!
#2 We went to subway to eat lunch and there was this girl there that we decided to give a Light the World card to. Well it turns out she is a friend of a member in the ward and has been to church many times and even met with missionaries but not for a while since she got a new job. Oh my goodness she is so amazing! She gave us all her info and we plan to have a lesson with her this Saturday if she is off work and she wants to come to church Sunday. Wow any coincidence that happened NOOOO!!!! And the beauty is reaching out and spreading light to others really just allows more light to shine in your own life!!!
So my challenge for y'all is to find some missionaries and get a pass along card. And then give it to someone. Regardless of if they are members already or not. It might be a cashier at a grocery store, a waiter at a restaurant, a neighbor, a friend, a nephew that doesn't go to church. Some how some way, show them light the world. Watch it yoursefl (it's family night, perfect timing) and then share it with others. AND GET INVOLVED! Because guess what it isn't just a video it is a calendar of 25 ways to spread light during the 25 days leading up to Christmas. Because y'all this world could use a little more light, and there are people all around us every day that can use a LOT more of your personal light! And guess what? All of the acts of service are all very SIMPLE AND FOCUSED, and show our Gratitude for our Savior. Who said "I am the light of the world" John 8:12 but who also said "Ye are the light of the world." Matthew 5: 14
Let's move forward together simplifying and focusing our efforts, giving thanks, and spreading light!!!!!
25 ways over 25 days.
Let it begin today. Let it begin with you.
Love y'all!
Hermana Hall

FYI...... Words to live by....

The Hills Are Alive.... in Tennessee
Happy Thanks for Giving!

Here's hoping there aren't any ticks a dentro!
Hermana Hall
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