Friday, May 11, 2018

The Way Our Paths Cross

Anyone who knows me especially as a missionary can testify that I am always talking about the way our paths cross. I have a dream of getting to heaven and there being a giant roadmap of all of our paths crossing. It would be a jumbled mess full of intersections, u-turns, ups downs, zig-zags, and roundabouts... but I think it would be amazing and beautiful to see. The amount of "random" run-ins, and re-run-ins I have had with people is unrea. Just today there were three, I want to share about those as well as some other amazing path crossings this past week.

Ok so after zone conference in Chattanooga (cue the Chattanooga Shoe Shining Boy song my grandpa and brother LOVED to listen to:) we whipped into our parking spot at our apartment just in the nick of time to hop out of our car and into the car of a member of our ward who took us to a different members home out in the boonies where we experienced an "international dinner party." They have started this tradition where monthly ward members get together and have a potluck meal themed off of a different countries culture and tradition. This month was Japanese to commemorate the Japanese cherry blossom season. Either way I was so pumped, I love a good Japanese meal and they even taught us to make sushi which was so fun! Who knew in the hills of Tennessee I would learn some Asian culinary art? MMM it was so yummy! But even better was the fact that we got to know and fellowship one of the member's non member son and daughter and their girlfriend and boyfriend. They were really nice and one of them works at Target so we were able to bond over that, and the other one is planning her wedding this August and she showed us this really cool wedding cake trend that she found on pinterest where there is rock candy inside the cake and part is cut out so it looks like a geode... super cool actually I was really impressed. (And felt SO out of date on design trends, #missionveil) Anyway fastforward to today we are wandering through the mall debating if Sister Horman should get her ears pierced because she never has and up ahead I spotted the classic Claires jewelry store. Before I could even suggest we go there we heard "Sisters! Hello!!" and it was the non-member daughter that told us about her wedding cake! She works at Claire's and is there every Monday... coincidence? NO SUCH THING! We talked to her for a good little bit and I bought some super cute earrings that are peaches (peach and pit:) and we said we would come back next week and see if Sister Horman is ready then to get her ears pierced then. So long story short we met this girl at a house in the boonies and then found her again at work at a random store in the mall... So crazy how our paths cross... I just love it.

From the mall we went to Walmart to do our grocery shopping and as we were looking for water bottles because I lost mine (this is number 4 I have lost on my mission oops:) we peeked around the corner and saw a member and her nonmember mom walking up the main aisle. We were just with them all morning helping them move the daughter out of her apartment (moving on pday round 2) and it was so crazy to see them again at Walmart a few hours later in that certain aisle especially because it is a pretty good sized store (only a missionary would be able to distinguish and classify walmart sizes, this isn't your average neighborhood Wal-mart I need to wear my padded shoes to go there ;) but anyway normally we would have no reason to be on that side of the store in that aisle but there we were and there they were.. so crazy how our paths cross... I just love it.

As we made our way to the produce aisle I spotted our main man and Colombian hero I talked all about a couple of weeks ago up ahead and we sped up to talk to him.  He was so excited to see us and we chatted for a little bit and then continued on our merry way and went to go check out when he ran up behind us shoved his groceries on our load and bought them all for us. No amount of arguing or trying to get him to split the cost would change his mind. He reminded us that he loves the blessings and "every day is sunshine and I love to serve." I promised myself that I will not lose mynew water bottle that he paid for and know that every time I look at it I will think of him, and might just fill it with my tears, of gratitude and love and happiness... in a big huge walmart we found our little friend with a big big heart, so crazy how our paths cross... I just love it.

Yesterday we talked to a guy that was raised in a troubled home and those troubles weigh heavy on his heart. He has a lot of concerns about why God allows bad things to happen to good people and why good things happen to bad people. Bottom line is he wants proof and answers without prayer and faith. It was sad. But, partway through the conversation after he complained that God didn't answer his prayers or his questions Sister Horman boldly interjected and asked him if he thought it was possible that God had lead us to him to answer his questions. He thought about it for a minute and said well maybe, and you know just the other day "I saw you two across town," we testified that wasn't a coincidence and that our paths crossed for a reason... so crazy how our paths cross... I just love it.

We had stake conference this weekend and it is so exciting to be back in the stake where I was at the start of my mission. It was amazing to see some members from Rockwood, hear about how a recent convert got sealed to his long-time member wife, see a recent convert from back in Poplar Creek, as well as hear that a returned-less active is active and ordained to be an elder. So crazy how our paths cross... I just love it.

I feel so blessed to be finishing my mission closeby to where I started, I know that it is no coincidence and that there are many more people I am meant to cross paths with. If I have learned anything out here it is a reiteration of the scripture that I chose to be my mission scripture Alma 26:37 "Now my brethren we see that God is mindful of every people whatsoever land they may be in yea he numbereth his people and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth, this is my joy and my great thanksgiving yea and I will give thanks to my God forever amen."

I will forever be grateful to my Heavenly Father for the ways that my path has crossed with so many wonderful people. He is oh so very mindful, he is oh so very merciful this truly is my joy and my great thanksgiving.

Have a blessed week y'all!!!!

Hermana Hall

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