Monday, January 30, 2017

You Prayed For Patience Didn't you?!

All this week we have run into many different scenarios in which either Hermana Yauney or I have turned to the other and said "you prayed for patience didn't you?!"

For example:

We went to offer a Baptist woman service, ended up cleaning a moldy refrigerator that had been in a basement for 10 or more years, I was literally sitting inside of it scrubbing out who knows what for nearly two hours, and then you know what she decided to "reward" us with? CHILI DOGS!!!!

Had a doorstep lesson with a man confused about the Book of Mormon. He was really into facts lining up in history as well as in the scriptures. When he mentioned Colombus before I could even think I said "Oh! He's mentioned in the Book of Mormon!" but could I find the verse? NO SIR! Not for the life... fortunately the man was actually very understanding (kind of rare for the Bible Belt) and said "oh I hate when that happens you know it until you have to flip to it" the conversation continued we testified about prayer instead and he told us we had been an answer to his prayer he had said earlier that day. He also told me that I had an angelic look about me, which I don't know if that's just an extra helping of "southern hospitality" or what but I hope that it is true and that I can hopefully radiate the light of Christ that others will want to have be a part of their own lives. I quite like the thought of that, but anyway the moment we got back to the car I flipped open and found the verse about Colombus, it's in 1 Nephi 13, don't worry I won't forget it again

Our investigator with a baptismal date was hospitalized and doesn't seem to remember us at all... patience.

Had more doors remain unopened rather than slammed while tracting/finding, I've decided I'd rather have a door slammed in my face than have it stay closed because at least you know they were there and you had a chance... patience.

Told a woman we would remember her in our fast this week, but fast sunday is definitely next week... patience.

Went to go pick up tacos a family made for us (so sweet of them by the way) but am still getting used to the southern drawl, which fun fact the dictionary definition for drawl is: "to speak or utter slowly with vowels greatly prolonged" boy howdy is that true! Love these people but sitting on a couch with hot tacos on your lap listening to the drawl for 30 minutes

Coordinating with Elders that when asked a question respond with at least four more questions... patience.

Literally sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for another war to go on in Gospel Principles when the topic of predestiny and foreodination came up during what was supposed to be "Freedom to Choose" lesson. I've decided our Gospel Principles class should be called "Gospel Deep Doctrine that Doesn't Really Matter"... patience.

I'm quite sure that anyone that has served a mission will attest that from day one your weaknesses are magnified and thrown in your face to be dealt with right then and there. The key is to deal with them, however hard it may be. There is a talk by Wendy Ulrich entitled "It Isn't a Sin to Be Weak,"  one of her opening lines starts out by saying "In the mission field I lived the gospel more consistently than at any time in my life, but I have never been more aware of my shortcomings. Why, when I was being so good, did I sometimes feel so bad?" She does an amazing job distinguishing the difference between sin and weakness and testifies as it says in Ether 12:27 our weaknesses are actually GIVEN to us. Then it is up to us to figure out what to do with them. In Matthew 11 we learn that our burdens can be light when we are yoked with Christ, when we come one in purpose with Him and give Him all our burdens and weaknesses, He truly can do more with them than we ever can. And He understands us perfectly and personally. One of the things that has hit me really hard in my studies of Christ is that He chose to suffer. At any given time He could have exercised His godly powers and ended it, called it good, said: enough... because He was perfect there was no need for Him to do what He did, suffer what He did, be tempted like He was. But He chose to do so He could relate to us. He volunteered, came, ministered, suffered, was rebuked, tortured, died, and then rose again, out of pure and undying love. He chose to endure weakness even if it wasn't inherently part of Him. He did that for each one of us. And so why in the world would we not utilize that gift and turn our weakness over to Him and ask for His guidance and grace in helping us overcome? That is His promise in Ether 12, "if they humble themselves before me, and have fath in me, then will I make weak things become stong unto them." He promises that He will make our weaknesses our strengths. I don't know about you but I would absolutely love to have my weaknesses be strengths, including patience. Change takes time and in all actuality patience is required in order to aquire patience. I know that when we pray we will receive answers and help, yet sometimes those prayers are answered in ways we would not neccessarily prefer. However there is a bigger plan, a better plan. I hope you all will commit to seeking out your own plan and praying for your own weaknesses and recognize that through Christ they can become strengths.
As for me and my patience learning I am loving this definition of patience: "Patience is a manifestation of our faith in the Lord, gratitude for His confidence in us, and trust in His promises."
I have faith, am so very grateful for His confidence and am trusting Him more and more each day. I hope you all do the same and have a hap-hap-happy week!
Love and pray for y'all!
Hermana Hall



Gung Hey Faat Choy! Year of the Rooster!

So domestic! Lasagna.... comfort food




Monday, January 23, 2017

The Peach and the Pit

A few years ago my family adopted a daily tradition where when possible we sit around the dinner table and share our "peach and pit" from the day. The peach being a positive, happy, favorite part of the day. The pit being a negative, sad, or otherwise not so fun part of the day. I have shared this tradition with my companions in the MTC and out here in the field, I joke that serving a mission is such a roller coaster of positives and negatives, highs and lows, and good and bads, that it seems that there is a peach and a pit of every hour. However I would like to share with y'all my peach and pit of this week.

There were many peaches this week but the one that stands out to me the most was when we tracked down a referral my companera received from the Bishop from her last area. All we had was an address and a confirmation that he would be around at the time we told him we'd drop by. After driving around and making a few U-turns we ended up pulling into a very humble "trailer court." Originally we were told he was living in #22, but that one was very clearly abandoned, we got back in the car and drove away thinking that maybe we had come to the wrong place but after calling him we found out he was living in #13 just at the top of the hill... We turned around and went to that one and he walked out and we had a really good discussion getting to know him and asking about how religion has played a part in his life. He has been through some really tough things in his years of living, a couple events almost cost him his life, yet he has come to recognize that maybe that is God's way of telling him he has a work to do and a path to follow and he is interested in seeing if the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is his path. I see so much potential in this man and his family as well. It was a peachy moment to meet someone that I truly feel Heavenly Father has been preparing. I don't know what future lessons with him will be like yet I feel extremely hopeful. I can picture this guy in white and want to help him get there.
Hermana Yauney told me that there are two times when you dread getting a phone call from your parents... 1: when you are already late for curfew and 2: when you are on a mission. I received a phone call from my mom this week notifying me of the unexpected passing of a dear family friend and neighbor. To say the news was devastating is an understatement. I was/am heartbroken on behalf of the family and the situation. It is hard to be far away and dealing with grief, however I am not alone, because Jesus Christ understands my heartache, and He can help me through it. I spent a lot of time on my knees on Wednesday, and through His mercy I found strength I wasn't expecting. If I could divide up my emotions I would place them in four categories one is shock, another is numbness, the third is heartache, and the fourth and most surprising is more motivation than ever to keep doing what I'm doing. Because the way I see it is I have a unique chance to share the message of this gospel, the message of hope to those who otherwise have no hope in their lives. I have come to realize that as President Monson says (in one of my new favorite talks "I Will Not Fail Thee Nor Forsake Thee) "sadness and sorrow are universal" there are people every day going through grief, sorrow, sadness, heartbreak, and pain. And unlike me they don't have knowledge of a heavenly plan and a hope for the life to come. And here I am called by a prophet to represent Christ and help them learn of that plan and find hope in their lives. And I have such a desire to help them find that, that peace and hope that has so blessed my life. I want them to know that "it is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines" (Jeffrey R. Holland) I know that and I want everyone to know that too. Overall I am just so grateful for the Plan of Salvation, the Atonement, and waterproof mascara.

I have also come to realize that in every peach there is a pit, however when a pit is planted it eventually grows into a tree which will grow more peaches. And that is a beautiful thought. I know that there is opposition in all things (2 Nephi 2:11) and that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28)
I hope you all look for the peaches and seek to plant the pits.
Have a peachy week y'all
Remember how much I love and pray for you!
Hermana Hall

Crazy 8

The weekend days were honestly mayhem and foolishness so many crazy things happened... at least 8 to be exact:

1. Blossom Barn Adventures
We were recommended to go to the local flower shop by our Bishops wife who knows the owners and said they are really involved in the community and can help us find service opportunities. The owners are both male and "friends" which is really interesting because normally in the south that is shunned maybe even more than Democrats are... and that's saying a lot, anyway we met one of these guys who was a hoot, we helped him wrap roses and he told us some interesting facts about Rockwood including the fact that Megan Fox is from here and he attended her 4th bday party and her grandma still lives around here. He also could not comprehend why missionaries aren't allowed to go to "Dollywood"
He said and I quote: "I figure you'uns* could hop on one of them roller coasters with y'alls pamphlets and MAKE IT RAIN JESUS UP IN THERE! Dolly wouldn't even mind!" So there you have it!

2. 435 Guy
We got a call from a Utah number who ended up being stranded here in Rockwood looking for 90 dollars worth of gas money, as missionaries we can't hand out money so that was a very interesting phone call...

3. Cookies For Neighbors
Our neighbors let us use their WiFi one day last week and to thank them we baked them cookies, everyone and their dog tells us they're druggies but druggies are people too and they have been super nice to us so what's that one super important commandment? Oh yeah LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!

4. Stuck In The Mud
Ay Ay Ay, we took and wrong turn from our ward mission leader's house ended up spinning tires stuck deep in the mud... after taking off our shoes and doing our best to free it we called the elders who had just driven away and they came and rescued us... I got to drive the car for a minute so that was exciting.

5. Sliced Foot
At some point during the stuck car ordeal I must've stepped on something because I sliced my foot open, I didn't notice it until we got back to the house. We sat on the edge of the tub and washed our legs and feet off and I sat there with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a toothbrush and scrubbed the dirt and mud out of the wound, yuck it was bad but it's all clean now and healing up

6. Walking To Church
We are super duper low on our allotted miles for the month so we decided to get up early and walk the 6 miles to church. We left at 7 so we could make it to ward council at 9:00 the only problem was we got up and it was raining... but that didn't scare us away! We got raincoats and my umbrella which both proved to be not very effective and began our journey, we made it 4 of the 6 miles in the downpour until a lady stopped and took us the rest of the way. Thank goodness she was a tender mercy. Always an adventure though!

7. Stink Bug In Spaghetti
During a correlation meeting at our ward mission leader's house one of our elders goes: "Oh my goodness there is a Stink bug in my spaghetti!" And sure enough there was! The wife was mortified she felt so bad, I probably wouldn't have announced it but it makes for a good story. It could've been even better/worse if he would've found HALF a Stink bug in his spag

8. War in Gospel Principles
Oh my my our gospel principles class is always an adventure someone made a comment asking about "what the war in heaven really entailed" which led to a sharing of opinions all at once so people were yelling over each other sharing actual war stories, personal interpretations of scripture, politics, and you know just the occasional electrocution story thrown into the mix. At one point I looked down and saw one of the questions in the manual said "how does the war in heaven continue today?" I couldn't help but think, well I'm in the middle of it!

All I can say about a mission and life in general is EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!
"A mission is and strange experience" rings truer and truer every day.
I love it though, long live Rockwood West!
Hermana Hall

Monday, January 16, 2017

Knox Pics week 2

Already a VOLS fan!!!!
Lots of ground to hunt.... for investigators.....
                                                           Greenie Hall "VERDECITA"


Sooo cool for MOM!!!!!

Which Nets Would You Leave?

As I was reading in Matthew this week I was struck by the Savior's calling of the twelve apostles when He says in Chapter 4 Verse 19
"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." and in Verse 20 specifically when it says "And they straightaway LEFT THEIR NETS, and followed Him."
I was thinking about how admirable it was that they "straightaway" left. I'm sure there was a little bit of contemplation but for the most part I think they immediately recognized the importance of the calling, and the significance of the man making the call and so they acted quickly and followed. And they left their nets, dropped what they were doing, dropped their livelihood, dropped the life they knew to be normal and followed Him.
And because the gospel is so amazing and can be applied to any situation I then applied that principle to myself and my life... I left my nets. I left my family, my friends, my everything normal and followed the call of my Savior, to come out and be a fisher of man. I continued to think about how leaving your nets is a daily decision for each and every one of us. I think the purpose of a net is interesting, it is something used to catch something. What nets are we caught up in each day? What distractions do we have that keep us from following the Savior? What nets can we decide to leave?
 Out here in Tennessee I am here to fish for men and women who are "only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it. ( Over the last week we have tracted, visited less actives, talked with members, and have left our nets and asked others to do the same, to come with us and follow Christ. Here are a few examples of fish/men and women we caught:
-We had one of our less actives come to church Sunday and it was so exciting to look down the hall and see him standing there. I nearly ran to meet him and tell him how excited I was to see him there.
-Another less active elderly lady (and when I say elderly I mean 100 years old to be exact) has left her nets and told us how she goes to the Baptist church socials even though she is the only Mormon and she talks to people there, and that they listen and respect her. She told us of a dream she had where she saw the Savior in the town square and went over to the Baptist church stood where the preacher stood and told them to follow her because she knew where Christ was and she would show them and they followed her, she was so disappointed when she told us that just as they were about to turn the corner to where Christ was she woke up. I was struck by her dream and told her that she is leading those people to Christ by her example and the fact that they listen to her and respect her.
-A stubborn son of a gun man that is more active than some of the members in the ward but refuses to be baptized (to the extent that the ward has a joke that they are going to hog tie him and throw him in the font) was in the gospel principles class and made some comments with the conviction that made me wonder why he isn't the one teaching the class
-A 10 year old autistic boy that originally didn't want anything to do with us when we visited his house was running around church giving hugs and love to everyone including us
-A woman we found while tracting who could barely hear let us into her home to share our beliefs and even though we shouted our message and she told us the same story about her daddy taking her to church in a mule drawn wagon 7 times she told us to come back anytime and she'd always let people in who were "doing the good work of the Lord'
And those are just a few...
I love being able to be an influence for good in someone's life knowing that the blessings of their obedience will be showered down as they continue diligent and faithful. I do recognize though that sometimes people are caught in nets that they don't want to leave. After tracting for five hours one day there were many doors that were shut in our faces, a couple of them without saying a word, they opened the door took one look at us and shut the door immediately. They are caught up in their own lives, their own beliefs, and their own priorities that they don't want to even think about leaving them behind to listen to what we have to say and ultimately to follow Christ.
So I want to challenge us all to find a net in our lives and leave it!
Follow Him because He can do so much more with us then we can.
Love you all, pray for you daily multiple times.
Hermana Hall
After all this talk about fish I feel I should mention that on Pdays President gives us permission to go actual fishing!!!! EEEE super excited at that possibility, just need to find a member with the gear and you better believe I'll be a fisher of men and a fisher of fish!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

You Would Not Be Learning This If You Were Not On Your Mission

This was a spiritual impression I got as I had personal study this morning. As I sat reading the Book of Mormon and Matthew in the Bible (with the institute manuals, SUCH A GOOD METHOD thank you to my trainer Hermana Yauney for teaching me that along with many many other things, which I'll get to later) I had the impression that all the many things which I am learning and the ways my testimony is growing and the people I have been meeting and talking to and crossing paths with, none of that would have happened, I would not be who I am and who I'm becoming without this mission. Which is kind of an obvious, no duh, kind of thing but it really struck me hard. I will never be the same after this experience... I will be so much better, I already am, and that is such a cool and powerful realization. But what else is cool is that it can happen to anyone, anyone and everyone can be a missionary, anyone and everyone can be a convert, because the gospel is for everyone and once we have it it is our duty and should be our motivation to share it. By the little things though, you don't have to stand outside someone's door hoping to enter into their home and share a message, although that has been an eyeopening and awesome experience, it is the little things, that make a difference. Truly a smile, kind word, listening ear, can change lives and open a different kind of door, one that opens into the lives and hearts of those around us. I am a firm beliver that by small and simple means great things are brought to pass.
So that being said let me tell you about the small and simple aspects of my mission that is already making it a great mission. Be prepared because there are many:

President: I have heard it said that "you aren't called to a mission you are called to a mission president" I'll admit I was a little skeptcial of that but never should have been, I LOVE PRESIDENT GRIFFIN my goodness he is an inspired man and because of that I know that he knows me, even though we met each other less than a week ago. Our first interview I felt a spiritual connection with him, especially when he said "I don't know why I am telling you this but you need to be patient with yourself." Yes so true, yes so me, yes so inspired, yes God is so good. I feel that I know that Heavenly Father knows me because President Griffin knows me, I really am so blessed.

Knoxville: stepping off the plane here the first thing I saw was a southern bearded man decked out in University of Tennessee gear, head to toe orange, GOOOO VOLS!!!! Then I looked to my direct right and saw rocking chairs by the windows... in the gate of the airport... it was then that I felt like I will very easily be able to fall in love with this place, and it's people. And day by day that is coming true, I love it here, it is without a doubt FOREIGN, I am definitely feeling culture shock all over again. But with that I am feeling culture love, each day is a new adventure, all centered around the gospel, it's pretty amazing actually.

Companion: Hermana Yauney, wow I lucked out BIG time, she is a woman ready to work, ready to teach, and ready to be bold. Elder Holland once counseled that because this is an "astonishing work" we need to go be astonishing, I am learning what that means because of her. She has an awesome testimony, knows the mission rules and keeps them, and has a great perspective on life. We get along really well which is such a relief. We have also had many laughs which is so so needed!!!

Ward: The ward is nothing like I expected, I had heard it was small (which it is) I have heard the primary kids are a little rowdy (which they are) I had heard that it is made up of all walks of life (oh my my yes that is true) However no one mentioned how powerful their testimonies are, there is a scripture in 1 Nephi 14 that in talking about the Church of God says something along the lines of: "their numbers are few... and their dominions upon the face of the earth are small... but they are armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory" we only had sacrament meeting yesterday because it is true when Tennessee gets snow the whole place shuts down!!!! So not many people went out of the house, but we did, so our one hour church meeting became a testimony meeting and nearly everyone in the audience got up. A couple of my favorite things that were said was:
-Gratitude changes attitude
-The gospel is telling the truth
-Jesus loves me, Jesus loves you, this Church is true (apparently all the primary kids recite that while pointing at themselves, then at the audience, and then up toward the sky, so dang cute!!!)
-Mercy far outweighs justice
-The offended always wants justice, but the offender always wants mercy
I love the Rockwood West Ward!!! Such good people, I am so excited to serve with and around them

Area: Ok so I should mention, my companera and I are whitewashing, which brings it's own set of challenges, neither of us know the area, the people, the investigators, anything, so each day truly is an adventure. And there is a severe lack of Spanish around, I mean granted it is Tennessee but this area especially there is a lack of latinos, so the only time I am speaking Spanish is when I pray and when we have companionship and language studies. It is likely that most of my mission will be mostly in English but I have faith that as I continue to wear my Hermana tag with pride and always strive to be ready, worthy, and willing for that day when I meet a Spanish speaker that I can convey my testimony and the doctrine of Christ clearly and simply so they can understand.

Food: The first meal I had at a members house was enchiladas, I was like seriously I just came from Mexico... but esta bien. Other than that we have stocked up food at the Walmart nearby (thank goodness for that!) It is in interesting experience budgeting, buying, and cooking for yourself. I'm growing up quickly, it's good though I'm enjoying it. Yesterday for dinner we went to a members house (we have a dinner rule where you can only eat at a members house if a less active or investigator is present, which is really good because it makes it worthwhile) anyway we were eating with one of our investigators and a member family and it consisted of: butternut squash, brussel sprouts, cornedbeef and cabbage, potatoes, green beans and pork. All in all it was a slimey meal but not too bad, and it was hot which was nice because it is so freezing here!!!! It's a different kind of cold that goes straight through your clothes and makes you feel like you're not wearing anything

Funny: oh my so many things from: massive dogs, shirtless hairy men, conspiracy theory women, an old man who loves to talk about the war and German women, cockroaches, drug dealing neighbors, faulty GPS, and I'm sure many many more to come that I will for sure keep track of and keep y'all posted on

House: So we moved into an Elders home, and yes just imagine the grunge
and grime that would be there, then multiply that by Tennessee. We definitely have a lot of work to do today but it's ok cleaning is a stress reliever for me, and I love cleaning and organizing so I look forward to making our house our home.

I'm really sorry for the length of this email hopefully you get a basic understanding of how life is going with plenty more details to come for sure. i am doing great, staying warm, and learning to love the Lord, the people, and myself more each day. Hope you all are doing the same back home!
Sending much love from KnOXOXOXO!
Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves you.
This church is true.
Hermana Hall

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

KENZ is in KNOX!!!!

Your Missionary has Arrived! Your Missionary has Arrived! Your Missionary has Arrived!

We are so excited that your missionary has arrived in the great Tennessee Knoxville Mission!  We enjoyed meeting all the new arrivals this afternoon and they are now enjoying a delicious meal with President and Sister Griffin and their family.
Thank you for loving and supporting your missionary!  We so appreciate you!

Sister Cleghorn
Correspondence Secretary
Tennessee Knoxville Mission

     Hermana Hall arrived safely after a very early start to her day! She was able to call mom and talk for 3 minutes!:)  She sounds wonderful and feels like she's supposed to be there.  When she got off the airplane she said she knew that's where she needed to be and is already a Vols fan.... Her favorite color is Orange already!!! She and Elder Jones are Spanish speaking , coming from Mexico CCM and the rest of the crew is English straight from Provo. ( Pic coming....)

     All the Greenies stayed at a hotel and will meet trainers today.  Her dad received an email about lost baggage.... she never mentioned it... really not much phases her with travel hiccups anymore! Stay tuned and let the adventure BEGIN!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcome to Knoxville ! PIcs Pics Pics!!!

January 3,2017


INCOMING!!!!! 9 from UTAH!!!!


I'm Leaving on a JetPlane

Hey family as I sit waiting for my bus I want to just tell you how much I love you and a couple of things that I have learned while here:
I remember Dad saying that this will be the most carefree time of my life... I have been pondering that over and over again, for the first few weeks I thought that was insane, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THIS IS CAREFREE. But then overtime I have realized what that means, this is the only time I will be completely and utterly focused on anything but myself, my focus is on Christ, it is on the language, and the people of Knoxville Tennessee. I have faith that as I continue to give my cares to the Lord I really will be carefree, I know that He can do that for us He can carry our burdens and help us feel light, I have experienced that many times and know that if he can do that for me he can do that for others. I am excited to go and experience Knoxville I hope I fall in love with it, and more importantly with it's people. One of my comps said I have nothing to worry about because "Knoxville is a people loving place, and I am a people loving person" I hope I prove both of those things to be true.
The other thing I have learned is that I don't think I came here to learn Spanish. A line in my patriarchal blessing talks about how the gift of tongues will be a natural part of my life, well I've thought and pondered and meditated on that one too because NOTHING ABOUT THIS HAS FELT NATURAL, yet at the same time every time I look back 43 days and see the progress i have made there have been some natural changes and I have progressed a lot in the language. But even more so I think I came here to be a part of Districto 6B, saying goodbye to the Elders Sunday night tore at my heart, they have been such examples and saviors in my life. Sending off Hermana Olsen was tough yesterday and hugging Hermana Munoz hasta luego and then running back to the casa because we had received a phone call saying she was supposed to be there a half hour earlier than we had planned on so I was still in PJ's but she made it sort of on time, That's the Mexicc CCM for you, always a lack of communication always an adventure. BUT what I'm getting at is I have a testimony that the call date you report on is just as inspired as your actual call destination. I am a better person as a result of the people I have crossed paths with here, and I can only hope that I've been able to be a positive influence for good in their lives as well. Yes a mission is a strange experience, it's different than I ever imagined, I never expected my testimony to be tried so much. But I think that I have needed to experience that because that is exactly what I'll be asking my investigators to do. To experience upon the words which I teach by the Spirit and try their faith. If I've never done that myself, how am I supposed to expect them to do the same?
I can't so I am going to continue to cling to what I know and strive to become a better disciple of Jesus Christ, this mission won't last forever but my role as a missionary will. So watch out Knoxville I'm coming for you and am ready to jump right in. The field is white, and ready to  harvest, so let's go see what kind of instrument in God's hands I can be.
I love you all, Happy New Year, I can't think of a better way to kick off 2017, and yes Bridger it is extremely weird that "this year I won't ever set foot in our house" but that's ok just wait til 2018 I'll be running and stomping and jumping all over the house. Yo amo mi familia a la luna ya la espalda!
Sending lots of love from MeXicOXOXOXO and soon to be from KnOXOXO
Hermana Hall