For example:
We went to offer a Baptist woman service, ended up cleaning a moldy refrigerator that had been in a basement for 10 or more years, I was literally sitting inside of it scrubbing out who knows what for nearly two hours, and then you know what she decided to "reward" us with? CHILI DOGS!!!!
Had a doorstep lesson with a man confused about the Book of Mormon. He was really into facts lining up in history as well as in the scriptures. When he mentioned Colombus before I could even think I said "Oh! He's mentioned in the Book of Mormon!" but could I find the verse? NO SIR! Not for the life... fortunately the man was actually very understanding (kind of rare for the Bible Belt) and said "oh I hate when that happens you know it until you have to flip to it" the conversation continued we testified about prayer instead and he told us we had been an answer to his prayer he had said earlier that day. He also told me that I had an angelic look about me, which I don't know if that's just an extra helping of "southern hospitality" or what but I hope that it is true and that I can hopefully radiate the light of Christ that others will want to have be a part of their own lives. I quite like the thought of that, but anyway the moment we got back to the car I flipped open and found the verse about Colombus, it's in 1 Nephi 13, don't worry I won't forget it again
Our investigator with a baptismal date was hospitalized and doesn't seem to remember us at all... patience.
Had more doors remain unopened rather than slammed while tracting/finding, I've decided I'd rather have a door slammed in my face than have it stay closed because at least you know they were there and you had a chance... patience.
Told a woman we would remember her in our fast this week, but fast sunday is definitely next week... patience.
Went to go pick up tacos a family made for us (so sweet of them by the way) but am still getting used to the southern drawl, which fun fact the dictionary definition for drawl is: "to speak or utter slowly with vowels greatly prolonged" boy howdy is that true! Love these people but sitting on a couch with hot tacos on your lap listening to the drawl for 30 minutes
Coordinating with Elders that when asked a question respond with at least four more questions... patience.
Literally sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for another war to go on in Gospel Principles when the topic of predestiny and foreodination came up during what was supposed to be "Freedom to Choose" lesson. I've decided our Gospel Principles class should be called "Gospel Deep Doctrine that Doesn't Really Matter"... patience.
I'm quite sure that anyone that has served a mission will attest that from day one your weaknesses are magnified and thrown in your face to be dealt with right then and there. The key is to deal with them, however hard it may be. There is a talk by Wendy Ulrich entitled "It Isn't a Sin to Be Weak," one of her opening lines starts out by saying "In the mission field I lived the gospel more consistently than at any time in my life, but I have never been more aware of my shortcomings. Why, when I was being so good, did I sometimes feel so bad?" She does an amazing job distinguishing the difference between sin and weakness and testifies as it says in Ether 12:27 our weaknesses are actually GIVEN to us. Then it is up to us to figure out what to do with them. In Matthew 11 we learn that our burdens can be light when we are yoked with Christ, when we come one in purpose with Him and give Him all our burdens and weaknesses, He truly can do more with them than we ever can. And He understands us perfectly and personally. One of the things that has hit me really hard in my studies of Christ is that He chose to suffer. At any given time He could have exercised His godly powers and ended it, called it good, said: enough... because He was perfect there was no need for Him to do what He did, suffer what He did, be tempted like He was. But He chose to do so He could relate to us. He volunteered, came, ministered, suffered, was rebuked, tortured, died, and then rose again, out of pure and undying love. He chose to endure weakness even if it wasn't inherently part of Him. He did that for each one of us. And so why in the world would we not utilize that gift and turn our weakness over to Him and ask for His guidance and grace in helping us overcome? That is His promise in Ether 12, "if they humble themselves before me, and have fath in me, then will I make weak things become stong unto them." He promises that He will make our weaknesses our strengths. I don't know about you but I would absolutely love to have my weaknesses be strengths, including patience. Change takes time and in all actuality patience is required in order to aquire patience. I know that when we pray we will receive answers and help, yet sometimes those prayers are answered in ways we would not neccessarily prefer. However there is a bigger plan, a better plan. I hope you all will commit to seeking out your own plan and praying for your own weaknesses and recognize that through Christ they can become strengths.
As for me and my patience learning I am loving this definition of patience: "Patience is a manifestation of our faith in the Lord, gratitude for His confidence in us, and trust in His promises."
I have faith, am so very grateful for His confidence and am trusting Him more and more each day. I hope you all do the same and have a hap-hap-happy week!
Love and pray for y'all!
Hermana Hall
Gung Hey Faat Choy! Year of the Rooster! |
So domestic! Lasagna.... comfort food |

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