Wednesday, January 4, 2017

KENZ is in KNOX!!!!

Your Missionary has Arrived! Your Missionary has Arrived! Your Missionary has Arrived!

We are so excited that your missionary has arrived in the great Tennessee Knoxville Mission!  We enjoyed meeting all the new arrivals this afternoon and they are now enjoying a delicious meal with President and Sister Griffin and their family.
Thank you for loving and supporting your missionary!  We so appreciate you!

Sister Cleghorn
Correspondence Secretary
Tennessee Knoxville Mission

     Hermana Hall arrived safely after a very early start to her day! She was able to call mom and talk for 3 minutes!:)  She sounds wonderful and feels like she's supposed to be there.  When she got off the airplane she said she knew that's where she needed to be and is already a Vols fan.... Her favorite color is Orange already!!! She and Elder Jones are Spanish speaking , coming from Mexico CCM and the rest of the crew is English straight from Provo. ( Pic coming....)

     All the Greenies stayed at a hotel and will meet trainers today.  Her dad received an email about lost baggage.... she never mentioned it... really not much phases her with travel hiccups anymore! Stay tuned and let the adventure BEGIN!!!!

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