1. Blossom Barn Adventures
We were recommended to go to the local flower shop by our Bishops wife who knows the owners and said they are really involved in the community and can help us find service opportunities. The owners are both male and "friends" which is really interesting because normally in the south that is shunned maybe even more than Democrats are... and that's saying a lot, anyway we met one of these guys who was a hoot, we helped him wrap roses and he told us some interesting facts about Rockwood including the fact that Megan Fox is from here and he attended her 4th bday party and her grandma still lives around here. He also could not comprehend why missionaries aren't allowed to go to "Dollywood"
He said and I quote: "I figure you'uns* could hop on one of them roller coasters with y'alls pamphlets and MAKE IT RAIN JESUS UP IN THERE! Dolly wouldn't even mind!" So there you have it!
2. 435 Guy
We got a call from a Utah number who ended up being stranded here in Rockwood looking for 90 dollars worth of gas money, as missionaries we can't hand out money so that was a very interesting phone call...
3. Cookies For Neighbors
Our neighbors let us use their WiFi one day last week and to thank them we baked them cookies, everyone and their dog tells us they're druggies but druggies are people too and they have been super nice to us so what's that one super important commandment? Oh yeah LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!
4. Stuck In The Mud
Ay Ay Ay, we took and wrong turn from our ward mission leader's house ended up spinning tires stuck deep in the mud... after taking off our shoes and doing our best to free it we called the elders who had just driven away and they came and rescued us... I got to drive the car for a minute so that was exciting.
5. Sliced Foot
At some point during the stuck car ordeal I must've stepped on something because I sliced my foot open, I didn't notice it until we got back to the house. We sat on the edge of the tub and washed our legs and feet off and I sat there with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a toothbrush and scrubbed the dirt and mud out of the wound, yuck it was bad but it's all clean now and healing up
6. Walking To Church
We are super duper low on our allotted miles for the month so we decided to get up early and walk the 6 miles to church. We left at 7 so we could make it to ward council at 9:00 the only problem was we got up and it was raining... but that didn't scare us away! We got raincoats and my umbrella which both proved to be not very effective and began our journey, we made it 4 of the 6 miles in the downpour until a lady stopped and took us the rest of the way. Thank goodness she was a tender mercy. Always an adventure though!
7. Stink Bug In Spaghetti
During a correlation meeting at our ward mission leader's house one of our elders goes: "Oh my goodness there is a Stink bug in my spaghetti!" And sure enough there was! The wife was mortified she felt so bad, I probably wouldn't have announced it but it makes for a good story. It could've been even better/worse if he would've found HALF a Stink bug in his spag
8. War in Gospel Principles
Oh my my our gospel principles class is always an adventure someone made a comment asking about "what the war in heaven really entailed" which led to a sharing of opinions all at once so people were yelling over each other sharing actual war stories, personal interpretations of scripture, politics, and you know just the occasional electrocution story thrown into the mix. At one point I looked down and saw one of the questions in the manual said "how does the war in heaven continue today?" I couldn't help but think, well I'm in the middle of it!
All I can say about a mission and life in general is EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!
"A mission is and strange experience" rings truer and truer every day.
I love it though, long live Rockwood West!
Hermana Hall

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